Title: Pig Scoring Post by: ricksta2232 on January 08, 2008, 12:04:58 pm How do the pigs and pig herd tile work?
I understand that they are an additional point per city in third edition scoring, but what of a tie? If red and blue each have a farmer in a given farm that supplies a city, and red has a pig in said farm. I understand that the pig has nothing to do with scoring the majority. Red and Blue both own the farm... We've played that you have to have the majority to get the bonus from your pig. But is it more correct to say that Red scores his 4 pts per city and blue also scores 3 pts per city? As for the pig herd tile in River 2, (or the one in GQ, depending on your house rules), must you control the farm by yourself to get the extra points, or is that also sharable in a tie situation like the goods in traders and builders... The only thing I can seem to find that one must actually beat (and not tie) is the King and Robber baron. We've used that as the precedent in our previous rulings with the pig herds and pigs... But what's Correct? Title: Re: Pig Scoring Post by: ricksta2232 on January 12, 2008, 02:04:20 pm Is there anyone that can help me? I can't find the answer in the FAQ or the CAR.
Title: Re: Pig Scoring Post by: mjharper on January 12, 2008, 02:32:13 pm Sorry, I meant to reply but forgot :-[
To get the bonus from either a pig or a pig herd tile, you must have or share the majority—as you say, the only time in the rules that you have to have an outright majority is with the King and Robber Baron (that's a necessity of having only one of each). So if Red and Blue tie for farmers on a farm with a pig herd, and Red also has a pig, then Red will score 5 points per city, and Blue will score 4 (3rd edition). Hope that helps—and sorry again! Title: Re: Pig Scoring Post by: Novelty on October 13, 2008, 10:39:54 am Matt, where is that in the CAR? I can't seem to find it anymore :(
Title: Re: Pig Scoring Post by: mjharper on October 13, 2008, 11:48:36 am Um… I don't think it's in the CAR, exactly. That is, it follows usual procedure for scoring farms. Doesn't it?
Feel free to dispute, of course ;) Title: Re: Pig Scoring Post by: Novelty on October 13, 2008, 06:57:51 pm I've no idea. I was just wondering if the pig farm tile stacks with the pig and well, couldn't get an answer from the CAR.
Title: Re: Pig Scoring Post by: mjharper on October 14, 2008, 12:27:38 am Doesn't it say that on p42? "This bonus is in addition to that of the regular pig from the Traders and Builders expansion." And the pig is a 'neutral pig' (http://carc.mjharper.de/page8/page8.html#Do_you_receive_the_bonus_from_t), so you get the bonus with or without a normal pig.
Is that what you mean? Title: Re: Pig Scoring Post by: Novelty on October 14, 2008, 01:36:58 am Oooh, thanks! Stupid me, I was looking in the footnotes and forgot the actual text. Thanks again.