Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Rules => Topic started by: Fleshpile on January 07, 2008, 10:29:46 am

Title: Tower errata questions
Post by: Fleshpile on January 07, 2008, 10:29:46 am
I have a couple of questions regarding the Tower expansion that I haven't been able to find the answers to elsewhere.

1. Can a tower take the builder, pig, big follower, wagon & mayor captive, or just the basic follower unit?
2. If yes, how does exchange occur? If I take my opponent's big follower and they take one of my regular follower, are they exchanged?
3. Also, who chooses which unit is returned? If I have an opponent's follower, big follower, and wagon (for example), and an exchange is forced, does my opponent choose which unit to receive in the exchange, or do I choose which unit to give him?
4. Can you capture (take back) your own units?
5. If the placing of a tower tile finishes an element owned by an opponent, can I remove his unit before scoring, or does the tile placement score him points first?
6. Can I place a follower on a 0-height tower foundation to prevent it's use, or only at a height of 1+?


Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Scott on January 08, 2008, 12:58:28 am
1. Builders and pigs are not followers so they cannot be taken prisoner. The big follower can definitely be taken prisoner, and I would suspect the mayor and wagon too.

2. In a case where more than one follower has been taken prisoner, the owner decides which follower will be returned to him/her.

3. See previous answer.

4. Yes.

5. Scoring does not take place until the end of each turn, so your opponent cannot score before you take him/her prisoner.

6. I suspect so.

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Fleshpile on January 08, 2008, 08:25:49 am
Sweet, found most of these answers in the Annotated Rules. One, however, remains:

If a player has a builder in a city and their follower is removed from the city via tower, princess or dragon, does the builder remain "stuck" in the city, or is he immediately returned to the owner? If it remains, does it stay there until the city is finished, or until someone else takes possession of the city, or something else?

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Scott on January 13, 2008, 02:11:57 pm
As I recall, the builder is not allowed to exist without a follower, and is returned to the player's supply.

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: ricksta2232 on January 14, 2008, 03:53:50 pm
Is there an official or positive ruling that a follower can be placed on a 0 height tower foundation?

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Scott on January 14, 2008, 08:41:55 pm
I took another look at the Tower rules. Towards the beginning, the alternatives to deploying a follower are to deploy a tower piece to an existing tower, deploy a tower piece to a tower foundation, and deploy a follower to the top of a tower. Since a distinction is made between tower and tower foundation, it may not be permissible to deploy a follower to a tower foundation.

I hereby retract my previous answer.

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Joff on January 26, 2008, 10:43:55 am
We had our first game with the Tower this afternoon (Basic + Tower).

Here is a couple of questions following the scenario below. I hope you can follow:

A city is being built. I lay a tile that has a city with foundations within it's walls. I lay a black knight and make a claim to the city. An opponent follows me and builds a tower on the foundation of this tile, but removes a green monk that is in a cloister on an adjacent tile. I then, on my next turn, stop tower construction by placing a meeple on the tower. There are now 2 black meeples on this tile (1 on city, 1 on tower) You still with me? ;)
On another turn my opponent places a city tile that includes foundations and adjoins the city and tile containing the 2 black meeples. He immediately plays a tower piece to this new tile and then takes prisoner my black knight in the city (leaving the tower blocking meeple alone).

1) Is my opponent able to have his pick of which meeple is removed, or does one have to be removed before another (ie. tower blocker before city occupier)?

2) If my meeple is blocking a tower within the city walls does it count for majority? After all it is still within the city. In this case the city was completed with just the tower blocker in place.

Hope someone can help, and my apologies if this has already been covered before.

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Scott on January 26, 2008, 11:57:02 am
1) The original HiG rules did not mention whether followers on towers could be captured, but an FAQ confirmed they could. In the original RGG rules, followers on towers could NOT be captured. With the release of the Big Box, both the HiG and RGG rules now state that followers on towers can be captured. The possibility exists that your friend was not aware of this and thought that your meeple on the ground was the only possibility for capture?

I get the impression that both towers are the same height. Something is telling me that your opponent needs to build higher than your tower to capture your meeple, but I can't find anything in the rules to confirm this.

2) Even when a tower is built inside the city, it is considered separate from the city, so meeples on top of them do not count towards determining majority in city scoring.

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Joff on January 26, 2008, 12:11:00 pm
Thanks Scott. No, he purposely chose to remove my knight, guessing that the tower blocker would not count toward the city. The tiles wer adjacent (touching) each other so he only needed to build 1 high to capture. At the moment, it just seems so difficult to build points when using the tower expansion. Is this normal? Perhaps it's just to promote deeper strategies?

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: mjharper on January 26, 2008, 12:57:40 pm
As Scott said.

1) It's perfectly legitimate to chose which to remove; although I'm not aware of any ruling about needing to build a higher tower, as Scott suggested. Vertical and horizontal distance are the only thing that matter.

2) No, towers don't count towards the majority. And followers on towers can't be captured by princess tiles either.

As far as scoring is concerned, I think that the expansion does make things more difficult. But I also think that, perhaps more than the other expansions, it was meant to be mixed into a mega-Carc game, and not used alone with the basic game. That makes the field of play bigger, reduces the proportion of foundation tiles, and makes the towers a bit more strategic and less cut-throat…

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Joff on January 26, 2008, 01:04:58 pm
We usually try out new expansions with just the basic game so we can all learn and get used to the new rules without having to worry about much else. Perhaps we will mix it with I&C, T&B and A&M on the next try.

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: mjharper on January 26, 2008, 01:11:37 pm
We usually try out new expansions with just the basic game so we can all learn and get used to the new rules without having to worry about much else. Perhaps we will mix it with I&C, T&B and A&M on the next try.
I think that will work better. It's an odd expansion…

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Joff on January 27, 2008, 07:39:56 am
Help! On page 37 of CAR under 'Prisoners', it says, "If one of the players has several prisoners belonging to the other player, the owner may decide which prisoner should be returned." My question is:

Who is the 'owner'?

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Scott on January 27, 2008, 09:22:32 am
If somebody took one of your meeples prisoner, you are the owner of that meeple.

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Joff on January 28, 2008, 04:21:57 am
Had another game with the Tower yesterday afternoon. This time the mix was: Basic/I&C/T&B/A&M/Tower. This was a much better game, although we tended to have so many followers left in our supply unused! We're still getting used the the Tower and A&M!

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Novelty on January 28, 2008, 09:30:26 am
A city is being built. I lay a tile that has a city with foundations within it's walls. I lay a black knight and make a claim to the city. An opponent follows me and builds a tower on the foundation of this tile, but removes a green monk that is in a cloister on an adjacent tile.
Hi, I'm wondering how is that second move by your opponent legal?  He builds a tower (presumably with a tower tile) AND removes a meeple all during the same turn???

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Joff on January 28, 2008, 09:44:14 am
It is a legal move because the building of a tower and removal of a follower are part of the same turn.

In the Tower you do not have to lay a tower tile to be able to construct a tower, all that is required is a tile with tower foundations to have already been played in a previous turn. You can add a tower piece to any tile that shows tower foundations or has a tower 'under construction', (provided it is not 'guarded'), regardless of who laid the tile, and remove a follower in the towers 'catchment' area in the same turn. Hope this answers your question.  :)

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: mjharper on January 28, 2008, 09:45:54 am
I agree… You place a tower block and remove a follower at the same time. In fact, that's the only time you can remove a follower.

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Novelty on January 28, 2008, 10:05:14 am
Ah!  I haven't played with my Tower tiles yet.  Thanks for the clarifications.  I was of the (mistaken) impression that only completed towers can remove pieces.  I'm glad I decided to join this forum :)

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Joff on January 28, 2008, 12:01:46 pm
No problem, that's what we're here for. You're more than welcome to the forum :)

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Jambo on July 07, 2008, 11:17:29 am
A previous poster asked whether it was possible to put a meeple on a tower foundation thereby completing the tower and preventing it from being used. I don't think it was properly answered so is this possible?

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Joff on July 07, 2008, 04:20:56 pm
No, a follower cannot be played direct onto the foundations to prevent their use. A follower can only be placed onto an already existing tower. :)

Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: Paxdiem on August 05, 2008, 04:36:49 am

I have a question regarding the TOWER.

Can the Tower capture followers inside the city of Carcassonne?


Title: Re: Tower errata questions
Post by: mjharper on August 05, 2008, 04:46:02 am
No; the city is 'out of bounds' for that kind of activity. Followers can't be captured or eaten, and you can't deploy there with a magic portal.