Title: Scoring tiles? Post by: bsquiggle on December 29, 2007, 02:58:43 am Is there anywhere to buy just the scoring tiles?
Or are we misreading the rules and scoring far too many points? We are playing with all expansions except count, and frequently have to place men on the scoring tiles to keep track of it, as 600 just isn't enough Title: Re: Scoring tiles? Post by: mjharper on December 29, 2007, 03:21:10 am carcassonne.de offers a special download here (http://www.hans-im-glueck.de/downloads/umrundungsleiste.pdf) which is an extra scoring table, covering 50-300 points. You could stick that on a piece of card, and then only hand out the normal scoring tiles when you pass the 300 mark. Also, you'd need an extra meeple or marker for the new score-board.
Other than that, the only way I know of getting more scoring tiles is to buy the basic game again… A score of 600 using all expansions is high, but not surprising. But what do you mean by 'frequently have to place men on the scoring tiles'? There should only be one guy on the score-board; when he finishes a complete circuit of the board, he (she/it) goes back to zero and you take an extra scoring tile. Where do the other 'men' come in? Title: Re: Scoring tiles? Post by: Gantry on December 29, 2007, 04:02:58 pm I can see going over 600, but not frequently. If you are, I'm wondering if perhaps you are misreading some scoring rules?
Title: Re: Scoring tiles? Post by: Tobias on December 30, 2007, 06:12:18 am I can see going over 600, but not frequently. If you are, I'm wondering if perhaps you are misreading some scoring rules? I'd say that 600 wouldn't happen too often. We usually land on about 350ish with two player and Mega-C. One version we use sometimes when we play other versions of C is to have the scoring-meeple stand up on the first round, laying down on the second and standing on his ear the third round. Maybe that's a tip as well? Title: Re: Scoring tiles? Post by: Scott on December 30, 2007, 01:39:46 pm There are three ways to get more scoring tiles:
1. Buy another box of Inns & Cathedrals (the Big Box is a little too expensive for this) 2. Find somebody who will sell or trade you their scoring tiles (you can find these people on Board Game Geek) 3. Make your own extra scoring tiles using the method of your choice A larger scoring track is an easier possibility, and I think I saw one somewhere that was done more in the style of the original track but went up to 100? Even less work is the method Tobias mentioned. I've been in games where we used that method too. And the laziest solution of them all is to get a pen(cil) and paper and write scores down on there, either the full or partial amount. Another option to explore, if you're feeling creative, is to make extra scoring tiles with higher amounts on each side. You could do a 150/200 set of tiles, or perhaps a 200/400 set of tiles? Might need to do some play-testing to figure out what's best. |