Title: The Fat Mans Coming Post by: canada steve on November 28, 2007, 12:57:40 pm OK guys and girls its not long now till the big day. Thats bundles of pressies for those out there who dont follow a certain religious persuasion, and the biggest day in the year for those who do.
Anyways with the day looming large what have you all put on your list to Santa, assuming you have been good all year (what do you mean you havent ;D). My list features Carc A&M expansion, a couple of Wii games and a copy of Railroad Tycoon Boardgame, oh and for the Maple Leafs to actually win something for once. Ho Ho Ho Title: Re: The Fat Mans Coming Post by: mjharper on November 28, 2007, 02:38:15 pm Not wishing to put too much of a dampener on the thread, but…
Fry: There's this girl who I really like, but she thinks I'm a jerk. Can you help me? Shop assistant: Yeah, there's a suicide booth in the food court. But there's a line this time of year. Oh, how I love Futurama. I have no plans for Xmas. Title: Re: The Fat Mans Coming Post by: Tobias on November 29, 2007, 12:28:42 am Mulled wine and game-sessions with my family. That pretty much sums up my plans for yule. :)
Title: Re: The Fat Mans Coming Post by: Wishmaster on November 29, 2007, 07:16:47 am I shal be travelling up to Kent (in the UK) to see my father. Games and beer will play a fairly key part for the season I suspect!
On the list? Well, I've taken Abbey and Mayor off as I've just got it for my Birthday (see elsewhere)... Loads of DVDs and CDs, a few books, a few gadgets... ....but the biggest problem is what to get for the rest of the family!! Title: Re: The Fat Mans Coming Post by: Gantry on December 02, 2007, 02:14:48 pm Its going to be a quiet one for Nat & I, we're going on a long-deserved vacation in January so we're saving up our pennies