Title: Double-Speed Game Post by: Whaleyland on January 19, 2012, 01:28:55 pm As I was thinking of ways to speed up 6+ player games, I came up with an interesting idea.
At any one time, two players, seated across from each other, can place tiles at the same time. One player is the "senior" placer while the other is the "junior". The senior gets first pick, while the junior places immediately after. That avoids any cases where both players want to place in the same spot. This rule means that those two players can never place tiles orthogonally adjacent to each other. When both players have gone, they pass the tile bags to the left and the next two players go. Mark one of the bags with something to designate it as the "senior" bag. Title: Re: Double-Speed Game Post by: CKorfmann on January 19, 2012, 03:53:19 pm That sounds like a really cool idea. I think it would work very well and would make playing a game with a large number of players a lot more fun. Well done! (merit well I think).
Title: Re: Double-Speed Game Post by: Carcking on January 21, 2012, 09:15:48 am I agree. This would be interesting to try if you can keep track of it. I can see it being a little busy for the score keeper. We sometimes play with 6 to 8 players so this would keep more players involved with less downtime in between turns. Worth a try I say. Thanks Whaley!
Title: Re: Double-Speed Game Post by: Scott on January 24, 2012, 12:58:21 pm This is an interesting idea. I think play-testing is required to make sure that there are no major snags.
Title: Re: Double-Speed Game Post by: Whaleyland on January 25, 2012, 02:52:45 pm Agreed, and I also I agree that the scorekeeper will be working on overtime. People will have to be much more aware of points earned and whatnot. In any case, I'm not sure when I'll try this out, but probably sometime soon. With all the complete sets of meeples now available at MeepleSource, I feel that advanced large game rules are essential. This rule would probably work best with 7-10 players. Perhaps with 11-14 you could add yet another bag. Crazy? Yes, but not impossible. Whenever I can play test it, I'll give a report.
Title: Re: Double-Speed Game Post by: neosatan on January 25, 2012, 03:04:25 pm I like it! Merit for You.
We have smething diffrent to speed up the game... When on player draw a tile, then immidietly bag goes to next player he draw, and so. When there is double turn then player draw another tile. This method don't work very well and I was thinking about something that would get rid off conflicts in tile placement. |