Title: Ark of the Covenant Post by: Wishmaster on October 13, 2007, 07:05:24 am Has anyone got or played this one? It's the only one I've not got and am wondering if it's worth the effort.
Title: Re: Ark of the Covenant Post by: crasher on October 13, 2007, 03:26:55 pm I bought it a loooong time ago and found it to be an ejoyable variant but not a absolutely nesecary addition to anyone's collection.
Title: Re: Ark of the Covenant Post by: Tobias on October 14, 2007, 07:10:33 am Has anyone got or played this one? It's the only one I've not got and am wondering if it's worth the effort. It's what we use to introduce C to new players. It's easy to grasp and play, and it's rather fast. It's rather ugly though, but you can't get everything :) |