Carcassonne Central

The Archives => Completed Spin-Offs => Topic started by: Scott on December 24, 2011, 06:10:07 pm

Title: AotC: The Great Whirlwind (completed)
Post by: Scott on December 24, 2011, 06:10:07 pm
I'm not a big fan of the Magic Gate from P&D since it crosses the line between fantasy and reality. I was quite prepared to dismiss having an equivalent in AotC, when I remembered reading something about teleportation. Indeed, there are a few examples of it in the New Testament: (

I also found an example in the Old Testament where Ezekiel is teleported to Jerusalem: (

On a related note, the prophet Elijah was taken up to heaven by a great whirlwind: Kings+2:11&version=NIV ( Kings+2:11&version=NIV)

Since a whirlwind is easier to illustrate, I think a Magic Portal equivalent in AotC could have a tornado icon.

Title: Re: AotC: The Great Whirlwind
Post by: Scott on January 02, 2012, 10:10:23 am
Tiles and rules: (

It works exactly like a Magic Portal, so I'm expecting there won't be much/any feedback. As usual, I'll consider this completed one week from today.

Title: Re: AotC: The Great Whirlwind (completed)
Post by: neosatan on March 08, 2012, 02:59:47 pm
invalid or deleted file

Title: Re: AotC: The Great Whirlwind (completed)
Post by: Scott on March 11, 2012, 02:57:08 pm
I removed it from Mediafire because everything has been uploaded to the forums:;sa=view;down=24 (;sa=view;down=24)