Title: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: JPutt927 on December 19, 2011, 10:24:31 pm Hello all!
After about 2 years worth of creations, at least for now, I'm willing to say that my Carcassonne collection is complete. Along with all of my expansions, I have created a new Randomizer deck of cards used to help choose which expansions should be played with. My creations also include some new expansions yet to be revealed to this site. Along with this, I've tweaked and repackaged some of my favorite expansions from other's on this site and added them to my collection. I thought it might be fun to showcase all of the expansions that I own, one by one, and reveal the newly created cards from my Randomizer deck. Rules and descriptions of some of these will come in due time, but for now, I present to you my collection! PS. Thanks to everyone on this site for showing interest in my creations and helping to create excitement for them. It truly helped drive me to create so many. :) Randomizer Deck (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/KingsOrders_Randomizer.png) Expansion #1 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_InnsCathedrals.png) Expansion #2 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_River.png) Expansion #3 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_TradersBuilder.png) Expansion #4 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_KingScout.png) Expansion #5 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Count.png) Expansion #6 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_PrincessDragon.png) Expansion #7 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Siege.png) Expansion #8 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Cults.png) Expansion #9 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Tower.png) Expansion #10 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_AbbeyMayor.png) Expansion #11 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Catapult.png) Expansion #12 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_WoF.png) Expansion #13 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Tunnels.png) Expansion #14 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_BridgesCastlesBazaars.png) Expansion #15 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_CropCircles.png) Expansion #16 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Plague.png) Expansion #17 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Phantom.png) Expansion #18 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Festival.png) Expansion #19 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_MillsBakeries.png) Expansion #20 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_WizardWitch.png) Expansion #21 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_FortuneTeller.png) Expansion #22 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Seasons.png) Expansion #23 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_RomanRoadTemple.png) Expansion #24 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Lake.png) Expansion #25 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_ChariotRace.png) Expansion #26 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_KingsOrders.png) Expansion #27 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_NewDiscoveries.png) Expansion #28 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_KingsGate.png) Expansion #29 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Barbarians.png) Expansion #30 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Mountains.png) Expansion #31 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Church.png) Expansion #32 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Taverns.png) Expansion #33 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Roads.png) Expansion #34 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Disasters.png) Expansion #35 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Veto.png) Expansion #36 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Troubadours.png) Expansion #37 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_FamilyFeud2.png) Expansion #38 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Farms.png) Expansion #39 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_RiverExtension.png) Expansion #40 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_RiseofCults.png) Expansion #41 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Manors.png) Expansion #42 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_KingsPassing.png) Expansion #43 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Forests.png) Expansion #44 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_FishTrades.png) Expansion #45 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_X_MarkstheSpot.png) Expansion #46 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Kids.png) Expansion #47 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_TraitorsTreaties.png) Expansion #48 (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Shoppe.png) Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: Carcking on December 22, 2011, 02:09:06 pm Awesome JP! Are you planning on putting these cards up on Artscow? Can you take requests for cards to include in the deck?
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: joshgambit on December 23, 2011, 06:59:35 am Looks good!
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: JPutt927 on December 23, 2011, 08:44:31 am Thanks! And yes, putting them on Artscow is ultimately going to happen. In fact, I already have my own deck printed from there. I'll release that link, in due time! ;D
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: CARC_Zoner on December 24, 2011, 08:14:39 pm JPutt927,
Love this idea, especially since you will incorporate your own amazing fan expansions! The artwork is superb, as always. Here are two variations of the idea from BoardGameGeek, which make cards for each "mechanic" from the expansions: Carcassonne Expansion Selector Cards http://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/68071/carcassonne-expansion-selector-cards (http://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/68071/carcassonne-expansion-selector-cards) http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/665462/carcassonne-expansion-selector-cards (http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/665462/carcassonne-expansion-selector-cards) One version provides a rules summary. These may be available on ArtsCow, too. Many, however, will prefer your version, which keeps the expansions intact. Cheers, CARC_Zoner Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: Carcking on December 28, 2011, 09:34:59 am JP - just curious. Are you planning on adding a brief synopsis of the scoring rules on the cards? I like the good idea of leaving the drawn selector cards displayed on the board as a reminder and quick rule reference during play.
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: JPutt927 on December 29, 2011, 09:20:00 am With the randomizer deck, no, I was not planning on including a rule synopsis. However, I have been tossing around the idea of creating a similar deck which did include a rundown of the rules and scoring for each expansion. It could be a lengthy process, but I think it could be quite useful. So yea, good idea! :)
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: Whaleyland on December 29, 2011, 10:49:25 am Definitely nice cards and idea. I may go ahead and ArtCow these when the file is posted. My only critiques thus far are with the River and Siege cards. River's icon looks awesome, but should be made to look a little rougher like icons. Right now, it seems to...clean. Siege looks great and I love the use of the Cathars icon, I just don't like the shadow behind it. It's the only icon with a shadow in the series and I think I'd prefer it without. Otherwise, great work and I look forward to seeing the remaining cards. Don't forget River II and the Games Quarterly expansions!
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: JPutt927 on December 30, 2011, 08:43:48 am Thanks for the comments guys. Before I post the link, it is likely I will make a GQ #11 card, and a separate River 2 card. However, as I stated, these are the cards that pertain to my collection. I do not own the GQ #11 expansion, nor do I have any real intention of doing so. Also, when I play, I combine the river expansions into one, as I find it silly to play with one, and not the other! But alas, those wouldn't be too hard to make! :)
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: JPutt927 on January 11, 2012, 10:05:04 am Just for an update, with 24 expansions posted thus far, the collection is just over halfway complete! There's plenty more to come! Hopefully you guys enjoy checking these out as much as I enjoy posting 'em. :)
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: Bixby on January 11, 2012, 12:12:42 pm I think these are simply brilliant. I like the clean simple look.
I was wondering if you thought of creating these with a bit more granularity. For instance, if a player owns the Abbey & Mayor, they may only play with some of the rules and options contained in that expansion. Such as... ...Barn Meeple ...Abbey Tile ...Wagon Meeple Taking this concept further, here is a list off the top of my head of options that players may select or randomize for various ways to play Carcassonne: ...Mega Meeple ...Mayor Meeple ...Pig Meeple ...Barn Meeple ...Builder Meeple ...Wagon Meeple ...Abbey Tile ...The Tower ...Dragon ...Fairy ...Princess ...Cult Places ...Cathars ...Plague ...Festival ...The Wheel ...The River ...The River II ...Count of Carcassonne ...Trade Goods ...Bridge ...Pig Farm ...Magic Portal ...Inns ...Cathedrals ...Tunnels ...Bazaars ...Siege ...Castles ...King & Robber My wife and I play with a set of selector cards. No artwork though, and we use them to each pick a number of options to play with or randomly select. Again, I think your artwork is awesome and appreciate the time & effort you put into your work. Matt Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: meepleater on January 11, 2012, 06:27:01 pm Just for an update, with 24 expansions posted thus far, the collection is just over halfway complete! There's plenty more to come! Hopefully you guys enjoy checking these out as much as I enjoy posting 'em. :) Just want to say these cards are awesome. And I do enjoy seeing the new one each day. If you do end up adding GQ11 and R2 cards, will you also add a card for 'Count, King and Cult' as a whole (for those who have either the german version or the big box), or 'Corn Circles, Plague and Tunnels'? Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: Whaleyland on January 11, 2012, 07:11:12 pm Also, a card for La Porxada.
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: CKorfmann on January 27, 2012, 08:01:50 am Down on the farm? Do I spy a new expansion?
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: JPutt927 on January 27, 2012, 08:48:09 am Down on the farm? Do I spy a new expansion? :). Yes you do. And get ready, there's several more to come. And also, some of the others are not what you may think they are. In what may or may not be a popular decision around here, I've redone some of the existing expansions and put my personal touch on them (don't worry, I'll give proper credit) :) . Others are similar by name only. Once my collection is shown in full, more details on the specifics will emerge, so stay tuned! ;D And, btw, if you'd like to see a picture of my collection, check out this topic... http://carcassonnecentral.com/forum/index.php?topic=743.0 Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: CKorfmann on January 27, 2012, 11:33:46 am Well, I'm excited to see them. The farm one is interesting to me because I have several of those particular animal sets already.
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: neosatan on January 27, 2012, 11:37:46 am Can you say if to farm exp wpuld be needed any wooden pieces? If yes, what kind?
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: CKorfmann on January 27, 2012, 09:09:09 pm Can you say if to farm exp wpuld be needed any wooden pieces? If yes, what kind? It looks like they use THESE (http://maydaygames.com/wooden-farm-animals-animeeples.html). Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: JPutt927 on January 28, 2012, 07:03:38 am It looks like they use THESE (http://maydaygames.com/wooden-farm-animals-animeeples.html). That is correct. To be specific, 9 white sheep, 7 black boars, and 5 brown cattle. :) Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: neosatan on January 30, 2012, 11:19:26 am Rise of the culd, mansion, king's passing, farm exp :) Nice. From the sound of that I see that there will be some nice fanexps :) I like yours exps so waiting for some info. Maybe a little description what would exps change/add ?
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: Bubbasco on February 02, 2012, 03:41:45 pm So excited to hear the rules and what not for the new expansions we've never heard about! Really interested in X marks the spot!
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: CKorfmann on February 02, 2012, 06:14:18 pm Wow, you've been busy. Looking forward to the reveal(s).
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection (Updated Daily) Post by: JPutt927 on February 05, 2012, 10:43:17 am And that my Carcassonne friends, is the end. :)
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: CKorfmann on February 05, 2012, 02:07:41 pm When will we start to see rules and tiles? You also mentioned the possibility of an Art's Cow deck. Isn't their standard 56? Will you fill 49-56 with something.
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: JPutt927 on February 06, 2012, 11:39:19 am When will we start to see rules and tiles? You also mentioned the possibility of an Art's Cow deck. Isn't their standard 56? Will you fill 49-56 with something. As far as the rules go, those will likely trickle out slowly. Several of them are done, while others have yet to even be written out in official format (it's no secret that I hate doing that). But no worries, it'll happen. As for the tiles, I will likely start showing those off soon. I personally have all of these cards printed as an Art's Cow deck for myself. To be honest, I don't really intend on making any other expansion randomizer cards for expansions I don't use. With that said, is there a demand for the cards I showed? I would love to share them with you guys if there is (after all, that's a big reason I do this). As for some of the remaining cards, I will definitely be making 6 new randomizers for the 6 recently announced expansions. That will likely get done once we get some absolute finalization on the translated titles and a good depiction of the watermark symbols. I will likely make a card for the Plague, Tunnels, and Crop Circle compilation as well. I've also seen some demand for a GQ #11 card. Though I don't personally use it, I could fill the final spot with that. Let me know some more thoughts if there are any! :) Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: JPutt927 on February 06, 2012, 11:43:29 am And...for another large undertaking of mine, I have created "By Order of the King" cards for every single expansion of mine that I've showcased. Most of them contain 5 new cards, while others offer a few less and a few more. My collection of "By Order of the King" cards is quite large! More to come on those as well if there's interest!
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: Sekim on February 06, 2012, 12:29:36 pm There is interest ;D 8)
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: Carcking on February 06, 2012, 01:23:43 pm To be honest, I don't really intend on making any other expansion randomizer cards for expansions I don't use. JP - could you make some blank cards that could be written on? That way the deck won't be obsolete when the next expansion comes out. If there are a handful of blank cards one can accommodate at least a limited number of expansions to keep the deck current. With that said, is there a demand for the cards I showed? I would love to share them with you guys if there is (after all, that's a big reason I do this). Definitely a demand here. I own an Artscow deck of your By Order of the King and we include it in just about every game we play.As for some of the remaining cards, I will definitely be making 6 new randomizers for the 6 recently announced expansions. That will likely get done once we get some absolute finalization on the translated titles and a good depiction of the watermark symbols. I will likely make a card for the Plague, Tunnels, and Crop Circle compilation as well. These would all be awesome to include! Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: Amorpheus on February 06, 2012, 01:51:44 pm I'm interested in the randomizer deck you have on Artscow, the new expansions/tiles/rules, and the new By Order of the King cards. Please share any/all as soon as you can.
And as always, great work and craftsmanship! Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: JPutt927 on February 10, 2012, 03:56:16 pm I thought it might be a good time to give a brief little tease as to what all of the new expansions involve! So here I go...
Mountains - Combines several of the mountain expansions created by Scott and Novelty into one. Adapts the concept of mining for coal. Natural Disasters - Similar in concept to the Natural Disasters collaborative expansion. Introduces the possibility of several disasters. There's no guarantee as to which disasters will actually occur! Architect and Veto - Adapts the concept of the Veto tiles from the City Council expansion and introduces the Architect, which was inspired by Dave's Court Magician. Troubadours - Similar to the existing expansion in name only. The troubadour scores points based on how many total meeples exist in a given feature. Family Feud - Clearly inspired by the existing Family Feud expansion. Also introduces two more families to the idea, utilizing all families from the Chariot Racing expansion. Also includes updated artwork and ties in the ideas introduced in both Jonathan Warrens' Stocks and Gallows expansions. Down on the Farm - introduces the sheep, cattle, and boar animeeples. Includes a new "meat" trade good and implements the idea of converting certain trade goods into others. Also adapts the concept of the "drought" and Scott's "Marketplaces". The River Extension - Additional river tiles to be used at the start of the game to help make for a longer, more varied river. Rise of the Cult - Increases the influence of the cult places and introduces the "Cult Leader" pawn. Allows for a potential to decrease the value of cloisters. Manors - How many points would you sacrifice to ensure that you aren't the player who must give up one or more meeples for the remainder of the game? The Kings Passing - Adapts the concept introduced in Carcking's "Father Time" expansion. The game will end prematurely, but will it be sooner or later? Forests - Combines nearly all Forest expansions into a single 150 tile expansion. Includes some updated artwork and a new scoring mechanic for forests. Fish and Trades - Attempts to create a greater use for both the wagon and the bridge pieces. Also introduces the concept of trading some of the many trade goods amongst players. X Marks the Spot - Players must each try to uncover the location of their opponent's buried treasure. The Kids of Carcassonne - Borrows the name established by the children's version of Carcassonne, and adapts Dave's concept of utilizing mini-meeples as children in the world of Carcassonne. Treaties and Traitors - Introduces the concept of the treaty, which temporarily awards other players points for your completed features. It also introduces the traitor, which will help players to earn more points for themselves and potentially take points away from their opponents. A new prison tile is included, along with the idea of trading away some of Carcassonne's land. The Shoppe - Introduces a shoppe to Carcassonne. Players will have the ability to purchase several new items which may help them as they attempt to win the game. Let me know your thoughts on some of these ideas! Which ones are you most interested in hearing more about? I will eventually reveal exact rules and artwork for all of these, but in the meantime, share your thoughts! :) Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: Scott on February 10, 2012, 05:43:08 pm I find the whole thing interesting. Nice to unify some ideas from multiple expansions and retooling for better cohesiveness. I see this as a next step in maturity for some expansions that have had a few years of playtesting. Some fanspansions need to be revisited in light of developments in official expansions.
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: Carcatronn on February 10, 2012, 07:33:46 pm I like this Shoppe idea :) I wonder what kinds of items players could buy? Specific tiles? Trade good tokens?
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: Carcking on February 11, 2012, 12:26:05 am Great work here JPutt...I can't wait to see some of your finished product. I always look forward to that. :D
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: Amorpheus on February 13, 2012, 12:12:14 pm Fish and Trades sounds like a great idea...the wagon in A&M seems under-utilized for what could be done with a wagon. Most of my BC&B games end without anyone using a bridge, so that piece could use a retooling as well IMO.
Looking forward to them all. Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: JPutt927 on February 26, 2012, 12:16:22 am Just an update guys, expect full details on some of these expansions very shortly...now I just have to decide where to begin! ;)
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: JPutt927 on March 01, 2012, 01:34:37 pm As promised, here's the first look at one of my new expansions. I introduce to you, Troubadours!
Troubadour tiles - http://www.mediafire.com/?62rcwssxdfkcacb Troubadour rules - http://www.mediafire.com/?c8sxc34l17gfm9j (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Carc%20Expansions/Randomizer_Troubadours.png) (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/Picture1-4.png) Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: Carcking on March 01, 2012, 02:26:50 pm Nice. I particularly like the dead-end road tile that you can use to complete a road and instantly grab some troubadour points. ;D
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: quevy on March 01, 2012, 02:31:01 pm I like, a really good job. ;)
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: Carcatronn on March 01, 2012, 05:48:35 pm Nice. I particularly like the dead-end road tile that you can use to complete a road and instantly grab some troubadour points. ;D Agreed! Fantastic job JPutt, as always ;) Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: Trebuchet on March 02, 2012, 07:48:28 am Thanks JPutt! I like this expansion and have added it to my collection! Great job! :D
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: neosatan on March 07, 2012, 06:11:20 am Got question. If troubadour is on city it is also being considered as a follwer to determine the majority of followers (rules don't say it). I assume that troubadour isn't counted as a follower on city, cause it is a separate feature, and so on is another question. Magic gates can be used to deploy follower on troubadour site? How tower influence troubadours? Dragon is obvious since it clears (eats) followers from whole tile. Next thing castle get scored if troubadour is near? And so on... Rules give only brief info about basic interactions with basic game.
Well, nice job. I would like a FAQ, or rule update and I am very happy with this fanexp (as always from JPutts). For now I am working on firsherman expansion, but next to come is to print troubadours cause machnics are realy nice. Didn't see nothing similiar. Merit for you! EDIT: Forget about castle. I thought that I saw a tile with only troubadour on it, but there is also a road. My bad. Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: JPutt927 on March 07, 2012, 06:40:49 pm When scoring a feature with a Troubadour, the Troubadour is NOT considered when determining majority. Players may place a follower as a Troubadour with the magic portal, and they may also be taken prisoner. I purposely left the rules somewhat basic because I guess I figured some of those rules would be assumed (assuming is never a good thing!). Hope that helps! :)
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: neosatan on March 10, 2012, 03:27:05 am Thanks! That cleared some questions out. When i will make the exp then i will post some more comments.
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: neosatan on April 06, 2012, 02:39:06 pm somebody know if jputty is working of his exps? It was a month or so since last update and I am really excited about this exps.
Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: Amorpheus on April 26, 2012, 01:29:09 pm somebody know if jputty is working of his exps? It was a month or so since last update and I am really excited about this exps. I'm also curious about the remaining teasers. Just printed Troubadours and am looking forward to others. Maybe keeping this post active will re-ignite his interest in sharing these?? ;) Title: Re: JPutt927's Carcassonne Collection Post by: Night on April 26, 2012, 11:43:32 pm Likewise.
I have been playing with Troubadors and really enjoyed it. The artwork is especially nice, and in our games at our house, we find the Troubadors to be a light-hearted part of the game. Would love to see some more of these new expansions. |