Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Variant Workshop => Topic started by: aeoliner on November 28, 2011, 04:45:35 pm

Title: Team Carcassonne
Post by: aeoliner on November 28, 2011, 04:45:35 pm
A while back I came up with a idea of a team oriented carcassonne variant. My basic idea is that it requires an even number of players. Teams consist of two players. Each player plays as an individual, i.e. draw and place own tile, have own score, place own meeples. The difference is that when determining majority for a feature you combine the members of a team as one total. If a team has both members on a feature that they have won majority for both members score full value. The winning team is the team with the highest combined score.

What do you think? I know some of the finer details need to be worked out but at least I finally wrote down the preliminary idea of it.

Title: Re: Team Carcassonne
Post by: Carcking on November 28, 2011, 05:34:58 pm
This is an interesting concept and I would say worthwhile to explore further. I'll have to think about your idea of each player still having their own color on the scoring track - as opposed to one color representing the team. Have to think about this more and try to play test it.

Title: Re: Team Carcassonne
Post by: GAKDragon on November 28, 2011, 05:41:34 pm
At the very least, the way you describe it would be good as a teaching method.  It would allow people to get a feel for making decisions that affect their own meeples, and yet if they get into trouble it offers them an out in the form of their teammate. 

Title: Re: Team Carcassonne
Post by: Scott on November 28, 2011, 08:36:44 pm
Not to complicate this any further, but I couldn't help but think about some team-based card games where the players across from each other enter into a contract for a certain number of wins. Maybe something like that could be turned into a variant.

Title: Re: Team Carcassonne
Post by: aeoliner on November 29, 2011, 07:07:48 pm
Thanks for the suggestions. I hope to in the next month to put together a first draft of team carcassonne into a rules template. Any good suggestions for a name for this? I am thinking "Tag Team Carcassonne" or "Doubles Carcassonne" instead of just "Team Carcassonne" what do you guys think?

Title: Re: Team Carcassonne
Post by: aeoliner on December 03, 2012, 05:33:57 pm
Here is the link to the rules: (
i still need the preamble to the varient.

Title: Re: Team Carcassonne
Post by: Scott on December 09, 2012, 02:33:45 pm
I suggest creating a template for the bid sheet rather than having people draw up their own each time.