Title: MegaCarcassonne game [no photos :(] Post by: neosatan on November 01, 2011, 05:31:59 pm I had finished 2 hours ago a game of Mega Carcassonne.
Exps: -Basic game -Inns & Cathedrals -traders & buiders -abbey & mayor -princess & dragon -tower -River I -River II -Siege -Cathars -2x Cult -King & robber -Count of Carcassonne -Wells (whole set) -Mountains (whole set) -taverns -seasons -roads to victory -marketplaces -maybe some other Something like 500 tiles, so game was long. I have played with my friend. Points were 631 for she and 568 for me, so there was some scores. Problem was with mountains, most of the mountains give us 1 point (realy few were that give 4 points). There were also too few tower tiles. Mayby 4 tower pieces were placed. There were only two interesting stuctures: -Road for 88 points (44 tiles) that was mine. It contains also some diamod trade goods. -farm with 21 cities (5 besieged) that was my opponents. (with a pig) My huge city (30 tiles) were blocked, and there were a Cathedral, so some points were lost. I forgot to take pictures for forum, but I want to play another megaCarcassonne. Maybe before weekend (dunno), so I will take pictures then. |