Title: Catapult Rules? The fair tiles Post by: peckiepeck on October 26, 2011, 09:18:52 am I recently bought the catapult expansion as a present for my friend and for myself and we both have the same query.... i noticed this was asked a couple of years ago with other queries on the Catapult, but no-one answered this part of the question. On the new tiles, does the fair split the farm between the two castles? and does the fair split the road? Usually in the expansion packs there are specific definitions for "special features" of new tiles, but there isn't any for this expansion. Would be great to have a definitive answer.
Many thanks! Title: Re: Catapult Rules? The fair tiles Post by: CKorfmann on October 26, 2011, 09:23:56 am That's a great question and I don't remember the answer myself, but what seems to be the case from my observation is that if there is even a sliver green going around an object, than the farm is continued. Not sure about the road. I'd have to look at the tiles again to make a judgement, but that would only be my opinion. Someone please correct me if there was an official answer and I have forgotten.
Welcome to the forum! :D Title: Re: Catapult Rules? The fair tiles Post by: peckiepeck on October 26, 2011, 09:41:32 am thanks, had forgotten about the "sliver of green" rule....
Title: Re: Catapult Rules? The fair tiles Post by: Carcking on October 26, 2011, 07:57:37 pm This is addressed in the CAR - in the footnote on page 68 for Catapult and page 77 for BC&B. The fair/bazaar terminates roads. It follows that it would divide fields also. That is the way we've always played.
By the way, welcome to the board! {ch Title: Re: Catapult Rules? The fair tiles Post by: peckiepeck on October 30, 2011, 02:13:28 pm Thank you both, had a feeling that would be the answer, but it's always nice to see it in writing :)