Title: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: crasher on July 27, 2007, 09:13:44 am According to this thread on the Geek: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/article/1629467#1629467
Via news from a UK distributor that RIO GRANDE won't be reprinting the Big Box because a new expansion will soon be released. No title given at this time. -crasher Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: crasher on July 27, 2007, 12:50:41 pm I have confirmed that a new expansion is being released via my sources but no further details are known at this time (even by the publisher).
Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: canada steve on July 28, 2007, 01:17:29 am Damn more money ;D
Excellent I winder whatthe expansion will be about ? Maybe a plague or holy crusade ! Keep us updated Crasher. Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: crasher on July 31, 2007, 03:40:49 pm It's official Carcassonne: “Abbey and Mayor” will be released at Essen! No words on mechanics, let the speculating begin.
Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: Wishmaster on August 01, 2007, 11:28:16 am It's official Carcassonne: “Abbey and Mayor” will be released at Essen! No words on mechanics, let the speculating begin. Where's it 'official'? I can't find anything on the net. What's/When's Essen in English? Title sounds inkeeping with previous titles. I guess I'll have to learn how to play The Tower pretty quick then if anothers expansions on the way! ;D Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: crasher on August 02, 2007, 09:19:10 am lol. it's official as in it's been announced for Spiele at Essen. Try boardgamenews.com :)
Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: canada steve on August 03, 2007, 12:04:28 am Essen is a town is Germany, I think Im right there arent I Matt ?
Crasher thanks for the info, keep it coming. Abbey & Mayor ! More flippin churches ? Mayors could be interesting, maybe a new twist on how to score a town. Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: Wishmaster on August 03, 2007, 01:16:04 pm Essen is a town is Germany, I think Im right there arent I Matt ? Oops! Sorry, that was a bit dumb of me!!! :-[ Perhaps Abbeys are bigger, like a small city? Mayors could be an extra piece (new meeple) ? Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: mikee on August 16, 2007, 11:51:46 am Did a bit of searching, and found that the new expansion is available for pre-order at Amamzon.de - click here (http://www.amazon.de/dp/B000SD6TMC?m=A3JWKAKR8XB7XF&tag=idealocom) to check it out.
Price seems to be in line with the previous expansions, and it says it should be available 15 October. No pics, but one thing is interesting: it's listed as the "Erwachsenen Version", which I think transates to "adult version". :o Wonder what that implies? Speculate away!!! Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: Gantry on August 21, 2007, 12:50:48 pm Maybe "Abbey" is the name of the Mayor's lover... {sx
Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: mikee on August 21, 2007, 07:54:57 pm Maybe "Abbey" is the name of the Mayor's lover... {sx ;l7 Well, that would expain the Adult rating!I'll take a guess on the Abbeys: Abbeys are like Cloisters but score more points (like maybe 12), except that if you don't complete them by completely surrounding them, they score no points. The mayor? Hmmm, not so sure about that one... Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: canada steve on September 05, 2007, 02:13:24 am Anyone got any new updates on this yet ? I have looked everywhere and apart from some no-descriptive references and the german amazon bit above there is nothing.
Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: EcoGuy on September 10, 2007, 08:51:07 pm It is on the list to appear at Essen 2007 and due for release in October. A preliminary box cover possibly? :) I had a friend pre-order it in Germany for me ;D
Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: Gantry on September 11, 2007, 09:22:00 am Nice scoop on the box cover! Can't wait :)
Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: mikee on September 11, 2007, 11:01:41 am I found a description in German at this link (http://www.spiele-offensive.de/?seite=2000&aid=1005324&wer=11892332098411) to go along with the picture posted by EcoGuy:
"12 Neue Holzteile und 18 neue Plättchen bringen interessante neue Möglichkeiten. So kann z.B. mit dem Bauernhof die Wiese schon im Verlauf des Spiels gewertet werden. Mit der Abtei gibt´s die Möglichkeit, alle benachtbarten Flächen abzuschließen und zu werten" So, 12 new wooden pieces (meeples of some sort?) and 18 new tiles. Hmm... assuming a max of 6 players, that could mean 2 new meeples per player - a mayor and... what? I can't remember enough German to translate the rest of the description - can anyone else take a crack at it? Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: EcoGuy on September 11, 2007, 01:01:32 pm good find mikee ... let me give this a shot :-\
In essence it appears there are 12 new wood pieces and 18 new tiles. The rest indicates that either the placement of the pieces allow the scoring of fields before the end of the game and the abbey (maybe a special tile) allows you to "lock" and "appraise" the adjacent tiles. My german is not much better but I thought I would take a crack at it. Sounds interesting but the mechanics seem odd with assessing farms early and "locking" areas .... I guess we all have to just wait and see ... Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: mjharper on September 11, 2007, 04:29:04 pm I don't really have much to add to what mikee and EcoGuy said, but here's my translation anyway.
12 new wooden figures and 18 new tiles bring interesting new possibilities. For example, the farmyard enables scoring of farms during play. The abbey offers the possibility of closing off all adjacent areas and scoring them. Here's hoping that the farmyard tile doesn't end up complicating farmer scoring too much… I don't really fancy having to keep an eye out for which farms shouldn't be scored at the end because they have a farmyard. Would be quite a (rude gesture) to RGG though, as that sort of thing would make 1st edition scoring insanely difficult. As you say, we'll have to wait and see… Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: mikee on September 12, 2007, 12:58:10 am Would be quite a (rude gesture) to RGG though, as that sort of thing would make 1st edition scoring insanely difficult. Yikes, indeed it would! if you're going to score farms during play, then you'd have to use 3rd edition rules (need a border for the early farm being scored). RGG would not be pleased... As for me, I'm hoping this expansion doesn't change the game mechanics too much. I thought the last two expansions (P&D and Tower) went a little too far. Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: Hypnotoad on September 12, 2007, 06:09:47 am Hmm.
Some form of farm scoring during play would actually perfect Carcassonne in my opinion. That is if it's done right, otherwise it could slow it down, complicate it and take it in a whole other direction of course. I've thought quite a bit about this, even if I'm trying not to since I want to be pleasantly surprised by what they've done. Here's hoping it's another significant piece of the Carc puzzle :) Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: mjharper on October 16, 2007, 03:01:04 pm *Status Update*
Well, the expansion was due to be released yesterday but there seems to have been a delay. None of the stores in own have it in, and the online stores have no indication either. Amazon.de has adjusted the delivery time to "4-6 weeks" but in an email they sent me (I have the expansion pre-ordered) they reckon it will be delivered between 22 and 24 October. We'll see about that. Oh, and I think I figured out the whole 'adult' business. It comes from the abbreviation 'Erw.', which some sites have been using. 'Erw.' normally stands for 'Erweiterung' (expansion), but obviously some idiot thought it meant 'Erwachsenen' (adult). I'll keep you posted as soon as I find out anything more, and post the rules as soon as I have them ;-) Title: Re: New Expansion at Spiele? Post by: mjharper on October 17, 2007, 04:53:22 pm I have it now! Found it in town, finally. It's late here now, so I'll get to translating the rules and posting images tomorrow. First impressions are that it's more like Princess and Dragon rather than The Tower, in that it includes four distinct gameplay components; that the components should favour more tactical/cutthroat players; and that the Abbey of the title is probably the weakest of the four. As far as worries about the anticipated new rules for farmers are concerned, I think that the 'barn' feature will actually simplify farmer scoring - but probably only if you're using HiG rules. Basically, placing the barn on a farm means all farmers currently on it are scored immediately, and no further farmers can be placed on the farm. The barn trumps farmers, and I don't see how RGG can square that with 1st edition rules.
**** I've just found a link to the RGG rules translation here (http://www.riograndegames.com/uploads/Game/Game_245_gameRules.pdf) (thanks to the BGG thread (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/article/1787623)). The RGG solution to the 'barn' problem is: to use 3rd edition rules with the barn. I don't see any indication to say that all farming rules are now 3rd edition; which would indicate that either you stop using 1st edition rules altogether, or that you use both sets, 1st edition for normal farms, and 3rd edition for barn-occupied farms. So, I'll go through the original and RGG's translation in more detail tomorrow, and see what I come up with. |