Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Variant Workshop => Topic started by: Scott on August 13, 2011, 10:53:46 am

Title: Rolling meeples to determine starting player
Post by: Scott on August 13, 2011, 10:53:46 am
Although not my preferred method of play, I'm curious if those who use this technique are doing it the same way. Here's how I would expect this to work: a player takes one meeple of each color and rolls them. Any meeples lying flat are removed. The player to his/her left rolls the remaining meeples, and again any lying flat are removed. Proceed around the table clockwise until only one meeple remains. The player who choose that color starts.

Title: Re: Rolling meeples to determine starting player
Post by: CKorfmann on August 13, 2011, 10:49:09 pm
That's an interesting method.  My only question would be what would happen if the last roll resulted in all of them laying down?

Title: Re: Rolling meeples to determine starting player
Post by: Bixby on August 14, 2011, 05:38:08 am
We basically pick up one of each color meeple, shake them up in our hand, and roll them across the table. The meeple that went the farthest is the start player.

Title: Re: Rolling meeples to determine starting player
Post by: Scott on August 16, 2011, 11:38:02 pm
That's an interesting method.  My only question would be what would happen if the last roll resulted in all of them laying down?

I would consider that equivalent to rolling doubles and re-roll.

We basically pick up one of each color meeple, shake them up in our hand, and roll them across the table. The meeple that went the farthest is the start player.

That certainly speeds things up nicely.

Title: Re: Rolling meeples to determine starting player
Post by: Albinoasian on August 17, 2011, 01:35:04 pm
We basically pick up one of each color meeple, shake them up in our hand, and roll them across the table. The meeple that went the farthest is the start player.

That is a mighty fine idea... will be using that. Thanks!

Title: Re: Rolling meeples to determine starting player
Post by: aeoliner on August 19, 2011, 04:19:27 pm
i just picked up a finger, so i prefer that method to choose first player.