Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Sessions => Topic started by: aeoliner on August 08, 2011, 04:45:59 pm

Title: World Boardgaming Championships
Post by: aeoliner on August 08, 2011, 04:45:59 pm
Don't know if this is the right thread or not, but here goes.
Last Saturday was the tournament for Carcassonne at the World Boardgaming Championships in Lancaster, PA. This was the second time I have participated in it, last year was my first where I made until the third round of a nine or ten round single-elimination tournament. This year there were fewer participants, around 80-100 people (last year was closer to 100-150), but I went all the way to the fourth round where I was eliminated. The GM announced at the start of the round that it was the "Top 12", meaning that I finished in the top 12 this year! The tournament is all two-player Carcassonne games using the base set with a single straight road tile removed.

Title: Re: World Boardgaming Championships
Post by: ne0x on August 08, 2011, 07:59:29 pm
Why remove the road?  Does that even out the number of tiles?

Title: Re: World Boardgaming Championships
Post by: CKorfmann on August 08, 2011, 08:18:49 pm
I wish I'd known about that.  My sister lives very near Lancaster.  That would have been fun?

Title: Re: World Boardgaming Championships
Post by: aeoliner on August 08, 2011, 09:44:09 pm
It was great! A week of boardgaming that ended with my favorite game's tournament. It is very tough competition for all the competitions. you can check it out at

yes the tile was removed so that each player gets the same number of turns.

Title: Re: World Boardgaming Championships
Post by: CKorfmann on August 08, 2011, 10:20:31 pm
It seems odd that they would choose the same weekend as GenCon.

Title: Re: World Boardgaming Championships
Post by: Carcking on August 09, 2011, 05:09:32 am
I agree, that is poor timing. Very puzzling.

My son lives near Gettysburg...has to be no more than a half hour to 40 minutes from Lancaster. That would be fun to do but we are already planning on GenCon next year.

Title: Re: World Boardgaming Championships
Post by: aeoliner on August 09, 2011, 05:58:47 pm
GenCon started on the thursday of WBC. WBC started on monday august 1, pre-cons on july 30,and went until the august 7, some people came only for pafrt of it you guys could do that for next year. i highly recommend going especially if you are local, i mean i am in baltimore which is only an hour to an hour and a half away, some of the people i played games with came from across the country to across the ocean.