Title: Homemade Carcassonne wooden Box Post by: spunt on July 10, 2011, 09:13:49 am I'm new to the forum, but i've been watching it for a while now. Since I first saw the game I am completely sold with playing it. Now, we play it almost all the time. I've spent a lot of money on all the extensions since we like playing so much.
But... to take all the extensions with me every time we go somewhere, is so much of a hassle. Hence the following... I made my own Carcassonnebox because they don't sell the old one any more! I've taken some pictures for you to see ;) I didn't like the golden hinges and locks, so I spraypainted the hinges, and replaced the locks. The total cost of the operation was: - Wooden Box (Casa, standard paintersbox): 13,99€ - Blue Paint (used only half 14,90 / 2) : 7,45€ - White Paint (used only small amount 9,10 / 10) : 0,91€ - Sanding paper (didn't use it all, 3,79 / 2): 1,90€ - Sanding sponge: 1,60€ - Paint Brush: 1,60€ - Paint Brush small: 0,52€ - New locks: 4,99€ - Wooden frame (2m10 long): 4,61 - Spraypaint Chrome (used just a small amount, 4,39) : 0,3€ Total: 33,26€ or 47,37$ At the end of all this, I am very happy with the result! Now I just need something else for the tuckboxes ;) Title: Re: Homemade Carcassonne wooden Box Post by: wellidesigns on July 10, 2011, 12:18:30 pm love it
great idea, about the paint box , may have to take a look at those as well !! how did you make the inside of the box??? Title: Re: Homemade Carcassonne wooden Box Post by: CKorfmann on July 10, 2011, 12:21:29 pm Very cool! Good job.
Title: Re: Homemade Carcassonne wooden Box Post by: spunt on July 11, 2011, 10:23:11 am The inside of the box is a printed thick paper, made by scanning the cardboard of the basic carcassonnebox and photoshopping it a bit to look good.
The wooden structure you see isn't glued because i wanted to be able to change the composisiton of the box if necessary. They're wooden slats, sawed to the exact size of the box, and hold together by the 2 slats on the 2 sides. I've made a small cut in the horizontal ones slide in. Pretty easy to do. (sorry for my bad english, i'm not used to typing the language ^^) Title: Re: Homemade Carcassonne wooden Box Post by: ne0x on July 13, 2011, 06:04:13 am That is a very nice box! The bags are cool too.
What kind of ideas are you looking for with the tuckboxes? Title: Re: Homemade Carcassonne wooden Box Post by: spunt on July 13, 2011, 06:36:28 am The tuckboxes I now use are "Tom's Tuckboxes", the ones you can find on the internet.
I'm not completly satisfied with them, so I modified them first a bit, so that it would look a bit better (like flaps on the side like with the original tuckboxes). But that makes it harder to use. Another thing is that not all the colors match with the Belgian (and other countries?) boxes... So now I've been looking for a solution for a bit more than a week now, designing in the evening, printing a test at work, ... But now i think i found a good solution. I'm going to find out later today ^^ I've put a screenshot in attachment. - The backgroundcolor goes beyond the cutlines, so that there is no white when you cut a bit wrong. - A more basic design, not too much on it, just the essentials - Three flaps on the lit, so that it closes up nicely - Two cuts along the side to take them easily out of the box - Large glue flaps so they do not disturb or come loose If this works, I'm going to make 1 for every extension, treating them all the same (unlike Tom's Tuckboxes) (there is nothing wrong with Tom's Tuckboxes btw, I'm just a perfectionist who likes it exactly like I want ;-) ) Title: Re: Homemade Carcassonne wooden Box Post by: ne0x on July 13, 2011, 12:32:53 pm The tuckboxes I now use are "Tom's Tuckboxes", the ones you can find on the internet. I've been using those too, and I noticed that he'd changed the colour of the boxes. The previous version has them all in blue.I'm not completly satisfied with them, so I modified them first a bit, so that it would look a bit better (like flaps on the side like with the original tuckboxes). But that makes it harder to use. Another thing is that not all the colors match with the Belgian (and other countries?) boxes... Title: Re: Homemade Carcassonne wooden Box Post by: ksupan79 on July 13, 2011, 09:33:25 pm Never mind if you read original post, took a better look and it will work great!!