Title: Size of Cardcassonne meeple compared with Carcassonne? Post by: youtch on July 01, 2011, 04:05:20 am Could anyone owning both games, regular Carcassonne and the card Games Cardcassonne, be kind enough to clear a doubt I have?
The meeples from Cardcassonne come in 2 sizes: small and big. 1. Are the small meeples from Cardcassonne smaller than regular follower meeples from Carcassonne (like Travel-Carcassonne)? 2. Are the big meeples from Cardcassonne comparable or bigger to the big follower (coming with Inns in Cathedrals)? I am almost as much interested in the meeples than the game itself as I might use the meeples for Carcassonne. Small Meeples could do an excellent phantoms to implement entourage rules, and they would be in wood instead of plastic. Big Meeples (if bigger than the big follower) could be used for another variant (trading posts for instance. Thank you very much in advance, y. Title: Re: Size of Cardcassonne meeple compared with Carcassonne? Post by: Sekim on July 02, 2011, 08:43:48 am I don't have Cardcassonne so I can't help you there. The Carcassonne traveler game has small meeples though. So in case you need small ones, you could grab that one.
Title: Re: Size of Cardcassonne meeple compared with Carcassonne? Post by: Scott on July 20, 2011, 07:38:11 pm The big meeple in Cardcassonne is the same size as the big meeple in I&C.
The small meeple in Cardcassonne is smaller than the regular Carc meeples. I expect it's the same as Travel Carc, but I don't have that one so I can't confirm. |