Title: Carcassonne XBox Achievements Post by: GameJunkieJim on July 06, 2007, 02:40:43 pm In celebration because I've just made 200/200 gamerscore for the title.
To illustrate what that entails, I have sucessfully completed all achievements for it, which I will list below in an attempt to get more of you psyched and wanting to play. Carcassonne is an awesome game but it's not selling well enough to get us expansions, so c'mon guys. King of the Road(5GS) Score a road with 5+ tiles in Single Player Big City(5GS) Score a City with 3+ tiles in Single Player Farm Boy(10GS) Score a Farm supplying 4+ Cities in Single Player Rack up the Points(10GS) Score 50+ points in Single Player King For A Day(15GS) Win 1 Ranked game Top Score(15GS) Score a total of 2000+ points from all your Carcassonne games combined The Count of Carcassonne(20GS) Score 150+ points in a Single Player game Top of the Heap(20GS) Win a Player Match against 3 or more opponents Mirror Monk(25GS) Score 2 adjacent Monasteries in Single Player Lord of Carcassonne(25GS) Beat an opponent in a Player Match by 50+ points Ultimate Score(25GS) Score a total of 5000+ points from all your Carcassonne games combined Metropolis(25GS) Score a City with 9+ tiles in a Player Match vs.2 or more opponents Title: Re: Carcassonne XBox Achievements Post by: Gantry on July 07, 2007, 08:01:47 pm I'll trade you an xbox for a GQ#11 expansion ;D
I can see some of those need to be updated (50 pts in a single player?), but I guess you gotta keep the newbs happy! nice job Jim! Too bad there wasn't a way to confirm these types of results in the board version to give out prizes |