Title: New fun-made expansions? Post by: koolkat on May 26, 2011, 04:08:50 pm Hi, Carc_guys!
I've been away for quite some time. Now, I got back (for a little while, at least) to look for new completed fan-made expansions. I must have missed something because from what I see there's nothing completed since last June (!) is there? Who can clear things up for me? Nice to be back! Title: Re: New fun-made expansions? Post by: JPutt927 on May 26, 2011, 05:01:47 pm Welcome back!
I made a return to the site and made a couple of new expansions that I would deem "completed". They've just not been added to the completed page. I assume that's the case with a few others as well. As for mine, my most recent are "Influence of the Church", and "Taverns". They're located in the forum. I hope that helps! Title: Re: New fun-made expansions? Post by: koolkat on May 26, 2011, 05:13:10 pm Yes!
I got some new expansions from the forum itself! Thanks for the tip! There was a time when I had all the fan-made expansions printed and playable. Nowadays, it's nearly impossible. But what we can print is just great. When I play other games with some more complex rules, my game mates start to shout "Oh my dear Carcassonne, get back, you're forgiven". :) Thanks Title: Re: New fun-made expansions? Post by: Fritz_Spinne on May 27, 2011, 12:52:56 am Hi,
if you're looking for another FUN-made Expansion, here's a gift I made for Easter and we played it with FUN: Easter-Expansion 22 new tiles, 10 with Easter-nest-icon (I took them from "the festival" and made a nest with easter-eggs on the "10") and 12 with an Easter-Bunny icon (the dragon tiles from the Princess & the Dragon with an Easter-Bunny on it). 1 Easter-Bunny-meeple Tons of Easter-eggs, made from chocolate. If a tile with an Easter-nest is placed, the Easter-Bunny will sit on it. After laying a tile with Easter-Bunny-icon the Easter-Bunny gives his eggs away: Every player (first the player, who placed the tile) moves the Bunny twice to an adjacent tile (like the dragon, but twice). Every Meeple he meets on a tile gets an Easter-egg (they are collected by the player). The Bunny moves 6 times twice, like the dragon he may not move twice the same tile. (If there had not been laid an Easter-nest, the Bunny starts at the Easter-Bunny tile.) Completing the Easter-nest: The Easter-nest is complete by surrounding it with tiles like a cloister. The player, who placed the last tile surrounding it gets two Easter-eggs Bonus. Final scoring: The player, who has most of the Easter-eggs gets 15 points, so beware of eating them. Fritz_Spinne Title: Re: New fun-made expansions? Post by: Talisinbear on May 27, 2011, 11:19:14 pm I believe the wild boar expansion I finally tweaked is reasonable and playable, just not sure how to upload the large pdf file
Title: Re: New fun-made expansions? Post by: CKorfmann on May 28, 2011, 01:48:37 am The reason there has been nothing posted on the download page in such a long time is that when the site crashed Novelty lost his site credentials. Gantry has been MIA and has not returned to restore them. There is currently no one else with access (and/or time) who can do it. If you are interested in looking for everything that is finished, do a search for "blue dogs". That's Nov's cue to find them all when the time comes.