Title: Adding AoC to Carc Post by: Talisinbear on May 20, 2011, 02:12:28 am In all the fan expansions and rules has anyone just come up with rules to add the Ark tiles to regular Carcassonne?
Title: Re: Adding AoC to Carc Post by: Whaleyland on May 20, 2011, 10:25:03 am You mean adapting the rules with new tiles or actually using AotC tiles in Carc? If you mean the former, then I've been working on the Relics expansion which will add the wooden Ark of the Covenant to the game while also adding the prize dynamic from Hunters & Gatherers and a Cult Places equivalent to the Abbey. If you mean the latter, no. I've seen nobody attempting to use AotC tiles in Carc.
Title: Re: Adding AoC to Carc Post by: MrBlu on May 20, 2011, 12:14:14 pm It could be interesting...add the tiles after a certain point in the game and you could connect a field to a desert piece or something...letting the land turn to a desert.
Title: Re: Adding AoC to Carc Post by: Talisinbear on May 20, 2011, 01:03:15 pm well as it is we have forests and mountains, so the deserts become some other land feature? just a random thought
Title: Re: Adding AoC to Carc Post by: Cappy on June 03, 2011, 05:02:34 pm We've actually played this once, combing the two games. It was fun for me, visually entertaining and I wouldn't mind doing it again. Not sure there's enough to make a complete write-up, but it went something like this:
Desert could attach to fields and the roads could attach to each other. Desert cities and French cities could not mix. When you played a tile, if possible you attached Desert to Desert and French to French. If no legal move was available that way, then you could place your tile where ever desired (following normal placement rules, of course). This was to avoid a visually obnoxious checkerboarding. For final scoring, the Wolf could travel through Farms to eat Sheep. Aside from that, Deserts and Farms were not considered attached for Farmer and Shepherd scoring. A Farm did score points for a Desert City if it was no more than one Desert tile away. Roads were Roads, only one Thief/Pilgrim (as we call the AotC road followers) per Road, no matter its composition. Because the Desert Fields were more fragmented than usual by the French Farms, the Shepherds didn't score very well. Farms did all right, probably because 1) they could feed Desert Cities and 2) there were more French tiles in the game. We used AotC and LE Carc -- Carcassonne with I&C and T&B expansions plus Tower tiles (no towers, though). I'd do it again. :) Only next time, I want to include the Dragon just to see what happens when the Dragon and the Ark meet... something horrible, I'm sure. Title: Re: Adding AoC to Carc Post by: Talisinbear on June 03, 2011, 05:08:03 pm with the shepherd/sheep expansion we need wolf rules in Carc