Title: 2 Player Carcassonne Post by: Dave on April 28, 2011, 04:58:55 pm Some expansions, in my experience work best only with more than two players, either because the rivalry is so Black and white, or the dragon becomes indecisive, towers never get anyone else.
Towers can be good 2 player, people sometimes gang up, Thats Carcassonne! anyway here are some alternative ideas to some of the expansions I've played. Count of Carcassonne For a move the wood action you can move the count to a different zone in the city, then whenever any related feature is scored an extra 3 points are awarded. Princess and the Fairy The Princess icon "summons" the Princess (Fairy) meeple, If the city "completes" with the princess still in it (not summonesed somewhere else) then each tile and penneant is worth an extra point. |