Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Sessions => Topic started by: Carcking on April 19, 2011, 01:11:27 pm

Title: We got to play again Friday night
Post by: Carcking on April 19, 2011, 01:11:27 pm
It was just three of us. My wife, my brother and myself. Usually we have 5 to 6 players, but it was a great competitve game anyway. My wife won with some great city play, great By Order of the King play and very good tower play.
Tiles & mechanics included:
Basic set
River I & II
Inns & Cathedrals
Traders & Builders
Abbey & Mayor
Catapult Catch
By Order of the King
Woodlots and Sawmills
Fortune Teller
Stocks & Gallows
Orders of Chivalry
Father Time

It was 227 tiles and lasted around 3 hours. At the end of the game the three of us were separated by a total of 40 points. 21 points between her and my brother and I trailed him by 19. (341 to 320 to 301). What a fun close game.