Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Crafters' Guild => Topic started by: jcardwell3rd on April 07, 2011, 08:33:14 am

Title: My carc set in storage, waiting for 10th aniversary to fill it up more.
Post by: jcardwell3rd on April 07, 2011, 08:33:14 am
Here's my stuff.
The bag is black suede, im not sure why it looks greenish.
I usually keep the rule book in an outside pocket, put it inside just for pic.
All spread out with my score boards. Yes i like scrabble too.
I have all of the comertially available expansions, waiting to aquire some of the smaller or custom expansions.
The bulk of the tiles are 2 base sets and wheel of fortune.
That big empty space will be filled when i get the 10th aniversary that i have preordered.
I planned ahead for it already, lol.
Top right box is just extra meeples. I dont need to cary this but it looks cool. Nice to have for meeple stacking contests.
Lower right contains tokens for traders, plague, castle, and catipult(worthless).
Also i ordered some mini poker chips from meeple people to keep track of lap points.
Some of the colored meeples dont have wagons or mayors or barns so i just wrote on them, i could prob paint them a certain way instead.
I made a small book out of the most recent car i could find, it is better than flipping through full size pages.

Title: Re: My carc set in storage, waiting for 10th aniversary to fill it up more.
Post by: Carcking on April 07, 2011, 10:06:59 am
Lower right contains tokens for traders, plague, castle, and catipult(worthless).

I picked up on your thinly veiled opinion of the Catapult. You should try my Catapult Catch variation. We've play tested it several times and actually enjoy it - we enjoy making use of the mechanics of the tokens without having to deal with the "catapult" (ahem) itself.

Here's the link:

Title: Re: My carc set in storage, waiting for 10th aniversary to fill it up more.
Post by: jcardwell3rd on April 12, 2011, 02:18:27 pm
there are alot of words to those directions, im scared! :-\

Title: Re: My carc set in storage, waiting for 10th aniversary to fill it up more.
Post by: Carcking on April 13, 2011, 05:08:00 am
there are alot of words to those directions, im scared! :-\

heh - Unfortunately, that's a character flaw of mine. I've never been accused of being succinct.

It's worth the read though. In hind sight I think the extreme example was a bit much - we haven't come across anything remotely close to it in actual game play. It turns out players attempt to place their catapult tiles apart from others so they have a better chance of scoring features around it.

But I think this version is true to the original intent of the Catapult. Or very close to it.