Title: Tichu Post by: aeoliner on March 30, 2011, 04:03:12 pm Recently I have played a couple sessions of 6-player tichu. Yes 6, not 4! It actually is quite enjoyable, I like it just as much, maybe even more than 4-player tichu. But just as indoor soccer and outdoor soccer, while both are soccer, they have strategies and tactics unique to each type of soccer. The same is true of 6-player and 4-player tichu, the biggest difference comes in the passing, in 4-player you pass one to each opponent and one to your partner. In 6-player you have two partners, so you pass one to each partner and none to your opponents. It made calling pre-pass easier plus you only have 9 cards instead of 14 cards in your hand. I did come up with a variant in which you pass one to each partner and one to the opponent across from you, but I haven't tried it out when I do I will report.
Title: Re: Tichu Post by: Joff on April 01, 2011, 12:04:49 pm For a 2 player climbing game try Haggis by Sean Ross.
Title: Re: Tichu Post by: aeoliner on April 02, 2011, 03:16:49 pm I have played this in both the 3 and 2 player forms