Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Rules => Topic started by: Marvant on June 30, 2007, 05:50:23 am

Title: Princess rules question
Post by: Marvant on June 30, 2007, 05:50:23 am
If I place a princess tile to remove a knight in a partially built city, the rules state that I may not place a follower or any other figure on the tile I have just played. But does this keep me from moving the fairy to another tile where I have a follower, or placing a tower piece on a tower tile, or placing a follower atop a tower? These would all happen on other tiles. Thanks!

Title: Re: Princess rules question
Post by: mjharper on June 30, 2007, 06:10:49 am
Sorry, the FAQ are being rebuilt at the moment, and I keep moving them around. :er

After placing a princess tile and removing a meeple, you can't move or deploy anything else at all. You can remove a meeple instead of deploying a follower, moving the fairy, or placing a tower block.

Title: Re: Princess rules question
Post by: Poonaka on September 10, 2007, 02:22:14 pm
After placing a princess tile and removing a meeple, you can't move or deploy anything else at all. You can remove a meeple instead of deploying a follower, moving the fairy, or placing a tower block.

That's wrong, the rules say you can move the fairy: "Whenever a player places no follower on his turn, he may, instead, place the fairy on any tile where he has one of his followers."

Since you aren't placing a follower, you can remove a meeple and move the fairy.

Title: Re: Princess rules question
Post by: mjharper on September 10, 2007, 03:18:09 pm
Actually, the latest rules (The Big Box) specifically state that you can either move the fairy or remove a follower with a princess tile, and both of these are alternatives to deploying a follower. Check page 12 of the RGG or HiG rules, page 37 of the Annotated Rules, or the Overview & Summary. The last two can be found in the Downloads area.

You can only ever perform one action in the 'Move the Wood' phase - deploy a follower, builder or pig, move the fairy, remove a follower with a princess tile, or place a tower block, for example. Some tiles  force you to do one of these (princess tiles in RGG, but not HiG) and some prevent you from doing any (volcano tiles - sort of). But currently nothing will allow you to make two actions.

Title: Re: Princess rules question
Post by: Poonaka on September 10, 2007, 07:07:41 pm
Actually, the latest rules (The Big Box) specifically state that you can either move the fairy or remove a follower with a princess tile, and both of these are alternatives to deploying a follower. Check page 12 of the RGG or HiG rules, page 37 of the Annotated Rules, or the Overview & Summary. The last two can be found in the Downloads area.

You can only ever perform one action in the 'Move the Wood' phase - deploy a follower, builder or pig, move the fairy, remove a follower with a princess tile, or place a tower block, for example. Some tiles  force you to do one of these (princess tiles in RGG, but not HiG) and some prevent you from doing any (volcano tiles - sort of). But currently nothing will allow you to make two actions.

I wonder why they would change that rule?  It doesn't seem like it would make a huge difference in the game play...  So what else did they change?

Title: Re: Princess rules question
Post by: mjharper on September 11, 2007, 01:28:28 am
It's not a change, actually, but a clarification. There are a number of changes in the latest version, though, and the idea behind those was to streamline the rules a little - so, for example, both towers and princess tiles may remove an opponent. The problem is the RGG chose to adopt only some of the HiG changes, so in the RGG Big Box rules a princess still must remove a follower.

Best place to find out more at the moment is the Overview & Summary, which you'll find in the Downloads - or for extensive information, the Annotated Rules note the changes line by line. I'll get round to putting the Overview up as HTML at some point, but I'm rushed off my feet at the moment…

Title: Re: Princess rules question
Post by: Jambo on July 08, 2008, 03:35:42 am
Isn't the fact that a princess must remove a follower in the RGG rules considered a bit of a balancing tool? It's a powerful tile that removes a knight, but the flipside is you can't really use it to extend one of your own cities, unless of course you have an extra knight present who's expendable...

Title: Re: Princess rules question
Post by: Deatheux on July 08, 2008, 06:07:41 am
Move the WOOD F'N rulz!!! it's better tan... last in, first out!!!!!!!!