Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Spin-Off Workshop => Topic started by: Scott on March 13, 2011, 02:42:00 pm

Title: AotC: Levite Towns
Post by: Scott on March 13, 2011, 02:42:00 pm
Then the Lord spoke to Moses in the Moabite plains by the Jordan near Jericho. He said: “Instruct the Israelites to give the Levites towns to live in from the inheritance the Israelites will possess. You must also give the Levites grazing land around the towns. Thus they will have towns in which to live, and their grazing lands will be for their cattle, for their possessions, and for all their animals. (Numbers 35: 1-3)

Extra Pieces

12 Levite town tokens


Every player receives Levitical cities:
With two to four players, each receives three Levitical cities.
With five to six players, each receives two Levitical cities.

Place a Tile

When a player creates a small city - which consists of only two semi-circular city segments - the occupier may choose to complete and score it in the usual way (for 4 points), or to convert it into a Levite town. To convert it, the occupier places one of his or her Levite town tokens over the city and move the follower occupying it into the Levite town. A small city which has been converted to a Levite town is considered to be incomplete.

No points are scored on building a Levite town. The player receives points only when the first structure (temple, city, or road) in its vicinity is completed during a subsequent turn. More precisely, a segment of the structure being completed must be one or more of the tiles adjacent to the Levite town. The adjacent tiles are the two on which the Levite town lies, the two tiles to its left, and the two to its right: a total of six tiles.

The Levite town is only considered to have been completed when a structure (temple, city, or road) which lies on at least one of the six adjacent tiles is completed. The occupier of the structure and the occupier of the Levite town both receive the full score for the structure. Then the follower from the Levite town is returned to the player's supply; the Levite town token remains where it is.

The following rules are also valid:

- A temple is only considered to be adjacent when the temple itself lies on one of the six tiles; it is not sufficient for one of the tiles surrounding the temple to be adjacent.
- The follower in the Levite town always receives points for the next structure to be completed. It may not be left in play in order to receive points for a structure which might be completed later.
- It does not matter whether the structure completed actually scores any points. The Levite town still receives points for a structure which is not occupied by a follower.
- Should the placement of a tile simultaneously complete more than one structure adjacent to the Levite town, the occupier of the Levite town may decide which of them to receive points for. A Levite town receives points for only one completed structure.
- As a small city which is converted to a Levite town is not considered to have been completed, it is possible for two occupied Levite towns to be located next to each other. In this case, when one of the Levite town scores points, it counts as a completed structure for the other, and both receive the same points.
- A player will receive no points for a Levite town which is still occupied at the end of the game. There are also no points for a field.
- When converting to a Levite town, it does not matter whether the small city was already occupied by a follower in the first half of the city, or by the active player deploying a follower to the second half during his or her turn.

During the final scoring, a Levite town on a field scores 3 points per sheep (instead of the 2 usual).

Title: Re: AotC: Levite Towns
Post by: Scott on March 20, 2011, 06:01:48 pm (

Need help with artwork.