Title: AotC: David & Goliath (completed) Post by: Scott on March 13, 2011, 01:51:31 pm Then a champion came out from the camp of the Philistines. His name was Goliath; he was from Gath. He was close to seven feet tall. (1 Samuel 17:4)
Extra Pieces 5 Goliaths (one for each color)1 5 Davids (one for each color)2 Deploy a Follower Instead of deploying a regular follower, a player may now decide to deploy his or her Goliath. This counts as one follower and is deployed according to the usual rules. During scoring, however, Goliath counts as if the player had deployed two normal followers to the road, city, or field in question. Like any other follower, Goliath is returned to the player after scoring and can be deployed again in the next turn. If Goliath is deployed as a shepherd, he remains on the field until the end of the game, just like other shepherds. If Goliath is deployed to a feature occupied by another player, the other player may deploy his or her David to negate the influence of Goliath when the feature is scored. Both Goliath and David remain on the feature until it is completed and scored, after which both are returned to their respective players' supplies to be deployed again in a subsequent turn, unless the feature is a field in which case both followers remain there until the end of the game. 1 Since the large follower is already used as the Prophet, I recommend the followers from the Kids of Carcassonne. You’ll need two sets, though, because the Kids of Carcassonne only comes with four colors. 2 The recommended source for these followers is the travel edition of Carcassonne. Title: Re: AotC: David & Goliath (completed) Post by: Scott on March 19, 2011, 08:51:54 pm http://www.mediafire.com/?4dmsm6mtf7daa30 (http://www.mediafire.com/?4dmsm6mtf7daa30)