Title: FaceBook - The Not So Social Network? Post by: Wishmaster on February 19, 2011, 08:08:59 am Just had a post on FaceBook that I shall post here for the benefit of those it misses :
FB at it again. Wonder why you're only seeing status updates from the same people? Facebook has changed its News Feed so that by default you can only see updates from people you have recently interacted with! To change this click the arrow next to 'most recent' then "edit options" and tick the box to receive updates from ALL friends. Most importantly - repost this! Only a few of your friends will actually see it Pass it on, stick it in your status. Title: Re: FaceBook - The Not So Social Network? Post by: Boondocker on February 19, 2011, 08:34:39 am Nice. I'm not on FB anymore, but my wife says that when she changed her options to reverse this, all of the applications that she'd previously blocked started showing up in her feed again.
Title: Re: FaceBook - The Not So Social Network? Post by: Sekim on February 19, 2011, 11:22:52 am I've never used Facebook nor any of the other well known so-called social networks. I don't know why ... but somehow I get the idea that those kinda sites are not for me.
Title: Re: FaceBook - The Not So Social Network? Post by: MrBlu on February 20, 2011, 02:33:59 pm I do use Facebook. That kind of stuff changes all the time, almost every time there is an update. I changed that months ago. I've just resigned myself to checking my privacy settings once a week anyway that way any changes will be put back...lol....
Title: Re: FaceBook - The Not So Social Network? Post by: Talisinbear on February 23, 2011, 03:50:35 pm facebook is a pain, but to promote book sales, network with artists etc, it is amazing