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The Archives => Completed Expansions => Topic started by: morris on February 12, 2011, 08:16:30 am

Title: Z rozkazu Króla - By order of the King (Polish version)
Post by: morris on February 12, 2011, 08:16:30 am

It took me a while to complete this. Instead of simply overlaying the translated text, I kinda "remastered" the original and then applied the translation.

The archive contains the rules, the cards and the card backs in PDF format.
Archiwum zawiera reguły gry oraz fronty i tyły kart w formacie PDF.

If anyone else wishes to translate to their native language, I might share my "source" files (the rules are written using OpenOffice Write, the cards are done in Xara Xtreme 6). (13.3 MB)

This is a RAR archive, signed with my AV stamp. If anyone is uncomfortable with the RAR format, please notify me and I'll release a ZIP archive.

EDIT: file moved to MegaUpload:

Title: Re: Z rozkazu Króla - By order of the King (Polish version)
Post by: JPutt927 on February 12, 2011, 09:21:16 am
RAR doesn't work for me, I'd like to see a ZIP file.

Title: Re: Z rozkazu Króla - By order of the King (Polish version)
Post by: morris on February 12, 2011, 11:16:28 am
OK, there you go. - a ZIP archive (13.5MB)

EDIT: file moved to MegaUpload:

Title: Re: Z rozkazu Króla - By order of the King (Polish version)
Post by: Talisinbear on February 12, 2011, 11:27:45 am
on a related note has there been any work on Orders for the major fan expansions, forest, fish and mountains?

Title: Re: Z rozkazu Króla - By order of the King (Polish version)
Post by: JPutt927 on February 12, 2011, 09:12:51 pm
Thanks for the ZIP file! Nice job with the translations. The more languages this thing is in, the better!   :)  And thanks for keeping my name on the bottom. That's very much appreciated.

on a related note has there been any work on Orders for the major fan expansions, forest, fish and mountains?

Unfortunately there hasn't been...and I'm not sure if I have any plans to do so in the near future.

Title: Re: Z rozkazu Króla - By order of the King (Polish version)
Post by: Talisinbear on February 12, 2011, 09:15:16 pm
That's too  bad

Title: Re: Z rozkazu Króla - By order of the King (Polish version)
Post by: glh510 on February 13, 2011, 07:45:44 am
Thanks for the ZIP file! Nice job with the translations. The more languages this thing is in, the better!   :)  And thanks for keeping my name on the bottom. That's very much appreciated.

You know if there is already a German version out there?

Title: Re: Z rozkazu Króla - By order of the King (Polish version)
Post by: CKorfmann on February 13, 2011, 09:03:52 am
You know if there is already a German version out there?
I think there is.  That sounds really familiar.

Found it.
In the meantime I finished my german version of "By Order of the King". I named it "Im Auftrag des Königs" and used another font than the original, but I think it fits quite good as well. The rules I didn't translate, that would be quite too much unnecessary work if you ask me.

And here's the link, feel free to use it!

(PS: you can only download the link 10 times, someone with more experience in uploading may upload it to a better server)
Not sure if it's already been downloaded 10 times.  Didn't want to waste one to check.

Title: Re: Z rozkazu Króla - By order of the King (Polish version)
Post by: glh510 on February 18, 2011, 01:00:40 am
 :'( The link is broken. (or better RS removed it)

Title: Re: Z rozkazu Króla - By order of the King (Polish version)
Post by: morris on February 18, 2011, 03:34:33 am
Well, it clearly says "The file was deleted due to our inactivity-rule (no downloads)."

Title: Re: Z rozkazu Króla - By order of the King (Polish version)
Post by: Sekim on February 18, 2011, 08:33:10 am
I'm sure I have it somewhere. Not sure exactly where though and I can't check right now either. Maybe tonight. Whenever I found it, I'll write another message.


I've found the file. So if you send me your e-mail address in a PM, I can send it to you.
The file is about 36 MB, so be sure to use an e-mail address that supports those kinda files.