Title: The Dry Season Post by: Gantry on June 24, 2007, 01:03:11 am Picture this: it's late summer in Carcassonne. The creekbeds are all dry, the river has stopped flowing. There is a drought, so no trade goods are being handled, the princess is on holidays in the North country, and the dragon is on vacation in Puerto Rico.
Nat & I played Carc without the river expansions, and added the few GQ#11 tiles. We'd never played such a light version before. It still took 45 minutes though. We were more or less even on the cities and roads but 1 ended with 2 farmers to her 1 farmer. Final score, Gantry 119, Nat 112. :) Title: Re: The Dry Season Post by: Tobias on June 24, 2007, 04:58:44 am So that's why I never had any colonists in that last Puerto Rico game! ;)
Vanilla Carc is quite nice actually - that's how I played it the first times. When I've introduced it to non gamers I've also done so without any expansions. |