Title: Meeple expansions I've made. Post by: CKorfmann on January 21, 2011, 12:53:04 am So I saw these six H&G meeples on ebay the other day and ordered them with the intention of using them to make more Missionary sets to pass out in the future. When they arrived, it occured to me that I originally wanted to use them as Shepherds as well and since I had one in each color, I felt inspired and went ahead and finished them. Up til now I'd been using a standard meeple with a gold painted head (what I intended to be the Tax Collector). I like the way they turned out. I used a brass paperclip to make the crook. The sheep are the substitute set for Agricola (the same ones Novelty used for Dragon Hunter).
(http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs021.snc6/165157_789972591988_55705953_42029375_113291_n.jpg) Here is the whole set. Some of the colors don't match exactly, but they aren't quite as noticable in person as with the digital images. (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs760.ash1/165157_789972586998_55705953_42029374_5031587_n.jpg) Here's a close up of one of the sets. I got the blue to match pretty well. I actually painted all the sheep about a year ago. I notched out the "hand" and "foot" area of the meeple a little bit to glue the crook in place. (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs021.snc6/165157_789972596978_55705953_42029376_5548195_n.jpg) Here are the sheep compared to the original white one. Originally, I tried just painting over the white, but since there was a gloss coat, the paint wouldn't stick. Therefore, I had to sand each one down with an emory board. Extremely tedious, let me asure you, but I was determined. My intention was to make more when I finally get the purple, pink, orange, brown, and white sets. At least I won't have to paint the white ones. Not sure what to do about the nude ones. (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs760.ash1/165157_789972606958_55705953_42029378_5508372_n.jpg) This is the Missionary. I bought the disks from Board Game Bits. I believe they are the same ones that are the knights in Catan. It also uses the same H&G meeple, only painted gold for neutrality. (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs757.ash1/164827_789985141838_55705953_42029529_8242940_n.jpg) I'm ready to go on the new colors for this one! (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1396.snc4/164827_789985151818_55705953_42029531_7503922_n.jpg) Grabbed a couple extra large meeples and painted them gold to make The House of Valois. (http://l19.sphotos.l3.fbcdn.net/hphotos-l3-snc4/hs1396.snc4/164827_789985146828_55705953_42029530_955245_n.jpg) There's a bit of a story behind these pieces. They are the tower pieces from Carcassonne: The City. I ordered a bunch of parts from Jay (something he is reluctant to do now) and asked him for 18 tower pieces to make Black Tower. I only recieved 16. So, when I wrote back to him and asked him for the last two, this is what I got... Never did get it straight with him, so know I only have 16 extra tower pieces. I guess I'll try to come up with the last two some time, but in the mean time I'm trying to think of an expansion that could use these. Adapting it to Outposts is the first thing that comes to mind, but perhaps there's something better. Title: Re: Meeple expansions I've made. Post by: CKorfmann on March 13, 2011, 08:03:50 pm If anyone wants to make the Shepherds set, you can get all the same meeples pictured here at THIS (http://www.rpgshop.com/accessories/boardgame-parts/) site. The prices are fairly reasonable. Remember you'll have to repaint the sheep. You can use one of the same followers for the Missionary and you might be able to get the disks there as well. Thanks to Scott for the link from another thread.