Title: Carcassonne Coasters Post by: SobusTooms on January 09, 2011, 12:23:13 am Greetings All.
I saw this post about Carcassonne coasters several months ago and since then I've been thinking about how I could make some of my own. http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/412970/my-carcassonne-coaster I put the project on hold for a while and then over the holidays figured I'd pick it up again. I discovered artscow.com, a website that takes uploaded images/photos and creates novelty items (key chains, photo books, mouse pads, calendars, etc). They offered 20 free rectangular coasters (among other stuff) for simply joining their website. As it turned out the coasters were free, but shipping was the big cost. $22 total for the entire set of 20 coasters. Regardless, I thought it was a pretty awesome deal at just about $1.10 per coaster. http://www.artscow.com/create/ShowProduct.aspx?ProductId=161 So I picked out 20 Carc pieces, scanned them at a nice high resolution and then uploaded them to artscow.com for "custom coaster production". 10 days later I received the package in the mail. Check out the pictures. I think they came out fantastic! My wife and I now have some awesome conversation pieces when we have friends over for drinks. Great way to bring people into the hobby who have never heard of Carcassone before. And oh BTW, 16 of the Carc coasters can be pieced together to create a 4x4 square for a simple bar game. ;) Mike S. Title: Re: Carcassonne Coasters Post by: Bixby on January 09, 2011, 11:45:05 am Those look great. Do you perchance have a link to the Artscow file, (assuming of course you are willing to let others duplicate your handiwork) :)
Title: Re: Carcassonne Coasters Post by: djdahmer on January 09, 2011, 11:00:09 pm Make a few dozen more & you've got yourself a true mega-Carcassonne game :D
Title: Re: Carcassonne Coasters Post by: MrBlu on January 10, 2011, 04:58:26 pm that's just cool...very awesome!
Title: Re: Carcassonne Coasters Post by: SobusTooms on January 11, 2011, 11:19:04 am Thank you gentlemen. They're coasting the hell out of our drinks as we speak. 8)
Do you perchance have a link to the Artscow file, (assuming of course you are willing to let others duplicate your handiwork) :) Well, I considered that and then started thinking that the artwork really doesn't belong to me. Since the Carcassonne scanned images were from something I purchased for personal use I figured it wouldn't be a big deal. However, if I share the link to artscow.com for throngs of peeps to just go and purchase, well I think that would be infringing on the copyrights of Rio Grande or whomever. Hopefully this post will inspire others to create their own as I have done, or maybe inspire Rio Grande to put out an official Carcassonne coaster set. :) Mike S. |