Title: New combo! Post by: aeoliner on December 08, 2010, 07:32:24 pm I found a new combo when using Abby & Mayor and Traders & Builders:
Using the wagon and builder in succession can prove to be incredibly powerful.
hope u like! Title: Re: New combo! Post by: loganmann1 on December 11, 2010, 12:13:02 pm It certainly sounds like a nice little combo as described. How influential was it in the course of game play when you've tried it? Was there a noticible affect on the game play?
Title: Re: New combo! Post by: aeoliner on December 13, 2010, 01:41:33 pm I have used this tactic several times. the builder can double the tiles you get to play, and the wagon can increase the features claimed by about 25% to 45%, assuming that you can receive points from even half of the wagon claims, you can add 50 to 80 points(if you only use T&B and A&M) or more if you use more expansions.
So yes there is a noticeable effect on the game. It is a great powerplay for more than 2 players in the game. Title: Re: New combo! Post by: CKorfmann on December 14, 2010, 09:44:00 am That sounds good. I don't use the wagon enough. I'll have to add it to my repitoire.
Title: Re: New combo! Post by: aeoliner on December 14, 2010, 10:59:12 pm You should used the wagon more. It is incredibly powerful, the mayor can be powerful but since it is only used for cities is not as powerful.