Title: Big Box 3 Post by: Joff on December 02, 2010, 03:57:56 am Sorry for the duplicate posting, but I thought this warranted its own thread.
2010 - Looks as if the Big Box has been relaunched once again, this time Bridges, Castles and Bazaars is replacing Count, King and Consort. Rio Grande entry: http://www.riograndegames.com/games.html?id=366 (http://www.riograndegames.com/games.html?id=366) (http://www.fungamescafe.com/uploadedimages/269__carcassonne_big_box_3__front.jpg) Title: Re: Big Box 3 Post by: Tobias on December 02, 2010, 05:37:55 am No crossposting! I removed your other post. :)
/Mod Title: Re: Big Box 3 Post by: Joff on December 02, 2010, 06:52:28 am No crossposting! I removed your other post. :) /Mod Give me a break!!! Title: Re: Big Box 3 Post by: Whaleyland on December 02, 2010, 10:27:21 am lol. What happened?
Title: Re: Big Box 3 Post by: loganmann1 on December 02, 2010, 12:25:31 pm When did the cover of the base game change from the Thief to the woman with the fruit bowl?
Title: Re: Big Box 3 Post by: Sekim on December 03, 2010, 02:46:31 am Are you sure that's a women ? ;D
Title: Re: Big Box 3 Post by: Novelty on December 03, 2010, 03:05:41 am Hey Whaley, have you added the BCB picture to the cover yet?
Title: Re: Big Box 3 Post by: loganmann1 on December 03, 2010, 11:08:48 am Oh, and I just now spotted the robber off the knights left shoulder. Sneaky. I like how the change from the robber to the woman makes the inns and cathedrals pic tie in. Its the woman and the Knight from the other direction only now she's got a pitcher instead of fruit.
I'm sure everyone else already knew that but its a fun discovery for me. I've never looked at the big box pics close before. Are there any other cross expansion cover connections like that? Title: Re: Big Box 3 Post by: Whaleyland on December 03, 2010, 12:20:26 pm Very strange observations, all of you! I just noticed that the first German edition cover had a robber while pretty much all subsequent covers had the fruit lady. Weird!
@Novelty: Yes, I added the BC&B expansion to the CAR cover, not that the CAR is getting a refresh any time soon. The BC&B cover is on the bottom, next to the Catapult. I recently replaced the original image with one from the new Big Box 3, since it didn't have the RGG/HiG logo on the image. Back to the CAR, the sheer number of FAQs at this point is simple mind boggling. I just played The Plague last night using the English rules and they definitely left me wanting. Expansion was great, but there is a lot of ambiguity. Matt's waited so long to expand his rules that he's now got a lot more work to do in contacting HiG without overloading them. Title: Re: Big Box 3 Post by: Joff on December 03, 2010, 01:42:44 pm It also looks like the same knight on the Traders and Builders picture.
Title: Re: Big Box 3 Post by: loganmann1 on December 03, 2010, 02:41:48 pm Quote Very strange observations, all of you! I just noticed that the first German edition cover had a robber while pretty much all subsequent covers had the fruit lady. Weird! My copy is a RGG with the river included. It has the robber. That woman with fruit was what was new to me. As for the CAR, what all has come out since it was last updated? Title: Re: Big Box 3 Post by: Whaleyland on December 03, 2010, 06:59:19 pm Um...well, since it was last OFFICIALLY updated, a ton. Since the last beta, there's been Tunnel, Crop Circles, Bridges Castles & Bazaars, Plague...I think that's it. His last update included a draft of the Wheel of Fortune expansion, if that helps at all.
Concerning the robber, check all the edition images at BGG. Most have the woman, although the earliest few have the robber. Anyone have a preference for the woman or the robber on the cover of the CAR? Currently, the woman is on there. Title: Re: Big Box 3 Post by: loganmann1 on December 06, 2010, 09:46:01 pm Concerning the robber, check all the edition images at BGG. Most have the woman, although the earliest few have the robber. Anyone have a preference for the woman or the robber on the cover of the CAR? Currently, the woman is on there. I'd say as long as the expansion (or in this case base game) hasn't changed its contents, but only its cover graphics, then it should probably be the most current release cover. That will simply confusion for new comers seeking the Grail...er CAR...you know what I mean. Title: Re: Big Box 3 Post by: CKorfmann on February 04, 2011, 03:24:28 pm Thought I posted this before... anyway, am I the only one that thinks that if they're going to rerelease the Big Box, shouldn't they include the Wheel of Fortune instead of the regular base game?
Title: Re: Big Box 3 Post by: Whaleyland on February 04, 2011, 03:28:28 pm Definitely having a déjà vous, but I agree. Wheel of Fortune instead of base game. Perhaps make the expansion a sequel to the Big Box 1 by including Wheel, Abbey & Mayor, CK&C, Catapult, and BC&C. Sure we'd pretty much all hate that Big Box, but it would complete my set more properly. Of course, it's been four years since the Big Box 1 now, so most people probably have already purchased the expansions or won't by now.
Title: Re: Big Box 3 Post by: CKorfmann on February 04, 2011, 03:34:49 pm That makes too much sense.
Title: Re: Big Box 3 Post by: Deatheux on February 14, 2011, 06:11:51 am my mistake...
Title: Re: Big Box 3 Post by: neosatan on October 25, 2011, 04:56:11 am Topic is a bit old, but I have to agree to CKorfmann. Wheel of Fortune for a basic game in BigBox would be greate. I want to point that still Carcassonne is very well saled in some part of world (I take for an example my own country: Poland). In my country board games for past 2 years are beeing sold more and more. Still huge amount of people interested in board games don't know Carcassonne. There is another problem. Most people thinks that Carcassonne is very simple and childish game cause they look only on basic game or Kids of Carcassonne (thats for real!). There are few on us that get the complexity of the game with expansions, but most of gamers don't even look at BigBox cause reviews are very poor on basic games (but on other side same people that gives poor grades Carcassonne says that High Voltage (or Power grid, don't know how the game is called in english) is very complex game with unbelivable gameplay, and for me that game is too easy (maybe cause I have mathematic mind)).
I would be grateful when next BigBox would be something new, wheel of fortune + 5 best exps, and with additional features, 6 bonux 50/100 cards, realy good translation of rulebook, some extra content. I think that I would buy it (for wheel of fortune, and bazars etc., cause I don't have them yet), but for now I would get only one new expansion. Mayby 10 years edition exp could be placed in next BigBox. I thinkt, that main problem for BigBox is that that changes in versions are realy marginal (imo). Would be greate when amount of content when have basic + exp and the BigBox would be greater. |