Title: Carcassonne: The Castle – Falcon Expansion Post by: Whaleyland on November 18, 2010, 02:40:12 am Not only is Carcassonne: The City getting a 2.0 reboot without the wooden box this year, but Carcassonne: The Castle is apparently getting a full-sized ($17.00) expansion as well! That's right, BoardGameNews has leaked information that The Castle will become the first Carcassonne spin-off to have a full-size expansion (not counting Wheel of Fortune, a stand-alone expansion to Carcassonne, and The Scout, a mini-expansion for Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers). There is no information yet on this expansion, but it is coming soon to a game store near you!
Title: Re: Carcassonne: The Castle – Falcon Expansion Post by: Tobias on November 18, 2010, 05:25:00 am Castle, or City?
Title: Re: Carcassonne: The Castle – Falcon Expansion Post by: Whaleyland on November 18, 2010, 04:27:40 pm Sorry, expansion is for The Castle. The City is getting reprinted as 2.0. I corrected it in my post above.
Title: Re: Carcassonne: The Castle – Falcon Expansion Post by: Novelty on November 19, 2010, 04:00:49 am Do we have any box images for the new expansion?
Title: Re: Carcassonne: The Castle – Falcon Expansion Post by: Tobias on November 19, 2010, 08:32:59 am http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/839808/carcassonne-the-city
Title: Re: Carcassonne: The Castle – Falcon Expansion Post by: Sekim on November 19, 2010, 10:55:19 am That's The City boxart not the expansion ;)
Title: Re: Carcassonne: The Castle – Falcon Expansion Post by: Tobias on November 19, 2010, 11:21:16 am That's The City boxart not the expansion ;) I never said it was! Title: Re: Carcassonne: The Castle – Falcon Expansion Post by: Scott on November 20, 2010, 08:18:31 pm I haven't yet picked up a copy of The City, mainly because the wooden box doubled it's price compared to other spin-offs. Hopefully this new version will be more reasonably priced. Also looking forward to the Falcon Expansion, even though I've yet to play a game of the Castle.
Title: Re: Carcassonne: The Castle – Falcon Expansion Post by: Wishmaster on November 22, 2010, 03:59:37 pm I'll certainly be interested in a Castle expansion, although there seems some confusion around the net as to if there actually is one. My favourite Carcassonne game is the Castle, even above the original.
Title: Re: Carcassonne: The Castle – Falcon Expansion Post by: Whaleyland on November 22, 2010, 08:40:37 pm although there seems some confusion around the net as to if there actually is one. I'm good with this one: sources: BoardGameNews posting: http://boardgamenews.com/announcements/more-features-carcassonne-castles-falcons Rio Grande Games press release (old, from March): http://www.riograndegames.com/news.html?id=14 Title: Re: Carcassonne: The Castle – Falcon Expansion Post by: Novelty on November 22, 2010, 11:43:47 pm Do we have a cover picture yet?
Title: Re: Carcassonne: The Castle – Falcon Expansion Post by: Scott on November 26, 2010, 09:09:36 pm Hmm... in the RGG news posting, it's a comma-separated list, which could suggest that Falcon Expansion is a separate item, but RGG has no other game called Falcon and a quick search on BGG didn't turn up much of anything, so the best answer would still be that the Falcon Expansion is for Carc: the Castle.
Title: Re: Carcassonne: The Castle – Falcon Expansion Post by: Wishmaster on January 30, 2012, 05:05:00 am Been having a nose round the net and quite a lot of sites are now saying Feb. 2012, as well as giving a few details about the game. Something to do with Falcon nests, plus the edition of chapels.... hope that's not ny idea they've nicked!! ;D
Title: Re: Carcassonne: The Castle – Falcon Expansion Post by: Scott on January 30, 2012, 11:28:51 am Just discovered there is a BGG page up for this with a bit of info:
http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/114473/carcassonne-the-castle-falcon (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/114473/carcassonne-the-castle-falcon) Quote In Carcassonne: The Castle - Falcon, an expansion for the two-player game Carcassonne: The Castle, the Prince is growing and has taken up falconry, resulting in a large number of falcon nests in the castle. Also, religion has come to the castle, and there is now the possibility of building chapels in the castle. Sounds decent to me. |