Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Crafters' Guild => Topic started by: JeRBer on November 01, 2010, 03:39:55 pm

Title: 21 expansions (9 officials & 12 Fan-made)
Post by: JeRBer on November 01, 2010, 03:39:55 pm
Thanks to you (Carcassonne Central), I have a beautiful complete set! lol

Look at that! 21 expansions (9 officials & 12 fan-made) 450+ tiles  ;D

Official expansions :
• Abbey & Mayor (X2)
• Bridges, Castles, and Bazaars (X1)
• Inns & Cathedrals (X2)
• Count, King & Cult(X2)
• The Princess & the Dragon (X2)
• The River (X2) & The River II (X3)
• The Tower (X2)
• Traders & Builders (X2)
• Wheel of Fortune (X1)

Fan-made expansion
• The Treasure Hunt series of expansions
• Arbitress (black fairy)
• Black Tower (black and white pieces)
• Dual Dragon (purple and white dragon)
• Market Commons
• City Council
• Dragon Hunters
• Drought and Pestilence
• Lord of the Manor
• The Fishermen
• By Order of the King
• Cleric and Serf


9 fan-made expansions


recycling some old tiles


Title: Re: 21 expansions (9 officials & 12 Fan-made)
Post by: loganmann1 on November 01, 2010, 04:25:05 pm
WOW! That is a beautiful site.  Did you make your Cleric and Serf onto cards?  How did you make your By Order of the King?

And also, when are we going to see your own expansions  ;D

Title: Re: 21 expansions (9 officials & 12 Fan-made)
Post by: JeRBer on November 01, 2010, 09:07:17 pm
"Did you make your Cleric and Serf onto cards?"

Yes. I make these files
You can download the files and go to

"How did you make your By Order of the King?"

At the same place (

Title: Re: 21 expansions (9 officials & 12 Fan-made)
Post by: CKorfmann on November 02, 2010, 12:58:00 am
Very cool.  Great pictures!  Thanks for sharing.

Title: Re: 21 expansions (9 officials & 12 Fan-made)
Post by: loganmann1 on November 02, 2010, 09:43:04 am
Just out of curiosity are your artscow decks ones you could share for By Order of the King and those extra cards as well?  I actually posted asking about an artscow of By Order of the King about 3 days before you posted this and shown you've already done it.

Title: Re: 21 expansions (9 officials & 12 Fan-made)
Post by: JeRBer on November 02, 2010, 10:57:22 am
I dont have all 98 cards, I juste made à 54 cards deck whit JPutt927's PDF

And I want respect the copyright from JPutt927
So, if he allows, i'll shared my 54 cards deck.

Maybe later, i'll convert the others.

Title: Re: 21 expansions (9 officials & 12 Fan-made)
Post by: loganmann1 on November 02, 2010, 12:28:37 pm
Thanks JeRBer.  I definetly wouldn't want to offend JPutt927.  I have nothing but respect for him and what he does.  Again though on all this, well done.  You've more or less rekindled my desire to make some more expansions (not having done so since last year).

Title: Re: 21 expansions (9 officials & 12 Fan-made)
Post by: Scott on November 20, 2010, 08:35:25 pm
I always enjoy seeing my tiles in print. ;D

Title: Re: 21 expansions (9 officials & 12 Fan-made)
Post by: CKorfmann on January 25, 2011, 12:45:08 pm
Looking at this one again today.  Again, great job on tile creation.  I have a few questions.  How do you get your tiles to look so good?  Perhaps it’s all in the hardware, but mine seem to come out dull looking.  They look OK out of the printer, but even the high gloss spray doesn’t make them look as good as these.  

You noted that you played with Fishermen.  Did you print out any of the fishermen tiles, or do you just use your multiple River sets?  I see you listed 5 total sets.

What did you print your 100 point board on, is that a standard size sheet?

I noticed in one of your bags you have the little square blocks in brown, white, and black (from Agricola?).  What do you use them for?  I also noticed that you have the extra color meeple sets (I see all but purple anyway), but you don’t have them in the A&M meeples.  Bummer… did you get them from Meeple People?

When you play with 2 sets of A&M, do you use 2 mayors, carts, and barns as well, or only one each?  I suppose you could paint the spare set in the new colors.

It looks like you also have the Pope fan-made set in there.  

Did you double up the tower pieces, or did you just use the second set to make the Black Tower?

Have you played using everything at once?  How did it go and how long did it take?

Edit: I mistook the Orders of Chivalry tiles for the Pope of Avignon tiles, but I do see that you have a pope in your bag.  Did you make the pope tiles too?