Title: Pirates! Post by: Wishmaster on June 05, 2007, 11:22:44 am There's absolutely stacks of of variants, tile add0ons and new rules on the internet for free down load. If only there way time enough t make them all up!! However, has anyone here come across 'Pirates & Plunder'? This one's different as you don't need Carcassonne in the first place - It's a free downloadable print and play game, supplied in pdf format, and looks really good. The boardGame Geek link is:
http://boardgamegeek.com/game/13960 (http://boardgamegeek.com/game/13960) Worth a look... :) .....There is another free print and play game on the way........ but I've not finished it yet!! ;D (end of Summer, maybe) Title: Re: Pirates! Post by: canada steve on June 05, 2007, 11:27:55 am Sounds like Carc The Discovery to me. Pirates feature in that game quite a bit. ;)
Title: Re: Pirates! Post by: Gantry on June 05, 2007, 06:20:43 pm Good find, wishmaster! I've been overwhelmed by work lately (evenings too, bleh) but once more time frees up I'll be adding these to the Variant Registry!