Title: Abbey and Mayor: new question Post by: Riz on September 25, 2010, 11:53:20 am Hi everybody!
I'm an italian player of Carcassonne, and I've just registered myself. I play the standard game with some expansions, like The River, Inns & Cathedrals, Traders and builders and finally Abbey and Mayor. I've red some of the new CARs, but I've found some points concerning Abbey and Mayor expansion that I would like to share with the Forum, because I've not found answer. Question n°1 I close one road where the thief is the wagon, the tile which closes the street is a RFCF. May I put a new follower in one farm included in the new tile and after move the wagon in the city included in the same tile? One example is already included in the CAR, but it is not specified if I can put wagon and new follower in the same tile. Question n°2 When I deploy the Abbey and I close one city concerning only one tile, how many points I gain? We normally play with the "small city rule", 2 points for a 2 tile city, but what about a one tile city?? We count 1 point, let me know what you think. Thanks!! ::) ::) Title: Re: Abbey and Mayor: new question Post by: vagabondriot on September 25, 2010, 06:10:35 pm Question n°1 I close one road where the thief is the wagon, the tile which closes the street is a RFCF. May I put a new follower in one farm included in the new tile and after move the wagon in the city included in the same tile? One example is already included in the CAR, but it is not specified if I can put wagon and new follower in the same tile. The wagon may be moved to the city as long as the road connects to the city. It doesn't matter that you play a farmer on that tile. Question n°2 When I deploy the Abbey and I close one city concerning only one tile, how many points I gain? We normally play with the "small city rule", 2 points for a 2 tile city, but what about a one tile city?? We count 1 point, let me know what you think. Cities count for 2 points a tile in the 3rd edition rules, so a 2 tile city is actually worth 4 points. Therefore a 1 tile city completed using an abbey is worth 2 points. Title: Re: Abbey and Mayor: new question Post by: Riz on October 04, 2010, 04:33:11 pm Thank you very much!
So finally Wagon and a follower may played on the same tile. |