Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Spin-Off Workshop => Topic started by: Scott on June 12, 2010, 12:00:57 pm

Title: AotC: The City of Jerusalem
Post by: Scott on June 12, 2010, 12:00:57 pm

• 12 new city tiles (surrounded by cliff face)
• 1 high priest


At the beginning of the game, the twelve city tiles are placed on the table so that they form a single city. This city — Jerusalem — serves as the starting point for the game. As such, the normal starting tile is not used.

There are four quarters in the city:
1. the palace 2. the market 3. the blacksmith 4. the temple
The wooden high priest figure should be placed on the temple quarter of Jerusalem, and then the game begins as usual.


3. Score completed roads, cities or temples

Deploying followers to and from Jerusalem

Whenever a city, road or temple is completed in which at least one player scores points, but the player placing the final tile does not, this player may deploy one follower from his or her supply to a city quarter of their choice (excluding the temple). If several features are completed, the player must not score points in any of them in order to take advantage of this opportunity. A player may only deploy one follower to Jerusalem each turn.

If a feature is completed during the subsequent course of play, then before scoring takes place, all players may redeploy their followers from the appropriate city quarter to the feature being scored (with the exception of those followers in the same city quarter as the High Priest). In this way, followers may thus be deployed to already occupied features.

The followers may be redeployed according to these rules:
• from the palace quarter, a follower may be moved to a city
• from the blacksmith’s quarter, a follower may be moved to a road
• from the market quarter, a follower may be moved to a field
• no followers are permitted in the temple quarter

Followers in the market quarter may only be redeployed at the end of the game.

How does that work in practice?

The player to the left of the one who placed the last tile begins, followed in turn by the other players. The player who placed the last tile may redeploy their followers last. Each player may choose to redeploy all, any or none of his or her followers from the appropriate city quarter to the feature being scored. Scoring then continues as usual. Any follower which is not redeployed remains in Jerusalem. Followers in Jerusalem
may only be redeployed in the manner described above. They may not be returned to the player in any other way.

The High Priest

When a player deploys a follower to Jerusalem, he or she may at the same time move the High Priest to one of the city quarters. From the quarter in which the High Priest is currently residing, no followers may be redeployed. For example, if a city is being scored, and the High Priest is residing in the palace, no one may redeploy a follower from the palace to a city. The followers in this quarter remain in the High Priest’s service—and therefore blocked—until the High Priest is moved to another quarter. The High Priest should always clearly stand in one of the quarters, and never leaves Jerusalem.

Title: Re: AotC: The City of Jerusalem
Post by: Scott on March 13, 2011, 07:51:53 pm
Rules PDF: (

Need some serious help with the tile artwork. Meepleater did the tiles for Jordan River; I don't suppose he can be convinced to help with this too?