Title: carcassonne the ocean Post by: Janno on May 26, 2010, 03:55:08 pm Where is frame 25 from the oceans expansion?
Title: Re: carcassonne the ocean Post by: skipboris on May 28, 2010, 10:09:30 am That's very observant! The Deltas expansion was relatively easy to create and release. There is a much more involving expansion that I'm working on as well. It has tile sheet 25. I started it before deltas, but finished deltas first.
The new expansion is called "Lost Civilizations" and has you searching out rising and submerging islands that have ancient secrets on them. Hopefully I will get a version out soon. Title: Re: carcassonne the ocean Post by: Janno on May 31, 2010, 09:38:26 am I
The new expansion is called "Lost Civilizations" and has you searching out rising and submerging islands that have ancient secrets on them. Hopefully I will get a version out soon. I hope so too. I really like the ocean! |