Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Rules => Topic started by: Fozzie on December 30, 2009, 09:29:42 am

Title: Princess and the Dragon
Post by: Fozzie on December 30, 2009, 09:29:42 am

I understand that if the dragon lands on a knights' tile that the knight is returned to its owner. I also understand that the builder (in the same city) also returns. But what if you have two or more knights (of the same colour) in the same city? (they may have been in seperate cities that have joined together during play). Does the builder stay in the city with the other knight(s) or do you have to remember which knight it belongs to?

This question also applies to the same seneario with two or more farmers (of the same colour) in the same field.

Very Many Thanks,


Title: Re: Princess and the Dragon
Post by: elmendalerenda on December 30, 2009, 10:08:46 am
The dragon only removes follower in the same tile he is, so if there are two knight in the same city only the one on the current tile with  the dragon is removed, the other can be removed with a later dragon movement. Same applies to the farmer, in order to remove two farmers, the dragon would have to visit the two tiles where the farmers are.

The only exception to this can be in the case a tile have two followers (via magic portal) in which case both are removed if the dragon visit that tile.

I cannot remember now what happened if a city or road with follower plus builder losses the follower by the dragon, what happenes to the builder? (same applies if a princess removes the knight and the builder is in the city) Last online game the builder remained in the city and was used to score it, but guess that may not happen on the last version of the rules.

Title: Re: Princess and the Dragon
Post by: Gwommy on December 30, 2009, 10:14:55 am
The builder may remain in the city as long as there is still at least one knight in the city (or mayor or wagon).  If a there isn't any followers left in the same feature that a builder is in, then the builder is returned to its owner.  This also works for pigs on a farm.

Title: Re: Princess and the Dragon
Post by: Fozzie on December 31, 2009, 01:45:51 am
I cannot remember now what happened if a city or road with follower plus builder losses the follower by the dragon, what happenes to the builder? (same applies if a princess removes the knight and the builder is in the city) Last online game the builder remained in the city and was used to score it, but guess that may not happen on the last version of the rules.

elendaleranda: Cheers. Also: The rules state that if the dragon lands on a tile that has a knight on it and a builder / pig in the same feature (i.e. city / road / farm) the builder is also returned to its player. That's why I asked this question the rules do not tell you what to do if there is more than one meeple within that feature, Gwommy answers that.

Gwommy: Cheers.

Title: Re: Princess and the Dragon
Post by: CKorfmann on December 31, 2009, 03:35:25 pm
The builder may remain in the city as long as there is still at least one knight in the city (or mayor or wagon).  If a there isn't any followers left in the same feature that a builder is in, then the builder is returned to its owner.  This also works for pigs on a farm.
What he said...  :)