Title: WTB: followers Post by: sarahhipkiss on December 26, 2009, 11:20:49 am Does anyone know where I can buy followers? I bought the basic box from amazon as a christmas present, but it's missing the followers and amazon are out of stock of the game so can't send a new one. We're reduced to using bit of paper as counters!
Please help! Thanks Sarah Title: Re: buying followers Post by: Kingbob on December 26, 2009, 11:25:20 am meeplepeople.com
Title: Re: buying followers Post by: CKorfmann on December 26, 2009, 02:02:22 pm Boy, that's a stinker! Meeple People is a good place to find them, but are extremely slow to deal with... at least from what I've heard as I've never dealt with them myself. I have emailed them with questions though and never gotten a reply.
Take a look at THIS (http://www.spielmaterial.de/english/index.html?d_P0015_Carcassonne_Figures1992.htm) website. They also sell lots of 100 mixed for a pretty reasonable price. I'm quite sure you'd have enough to make 5 sets of 8. You could the extras for fan-made expansions if you wish. I think I read somewhere on that site that if you live in the states, you can also get all their stock from www.boardgamebits.com, though they don't advertise all that merchandise. Title: Re: buying followers Post by: Scott on December 26, 2009, 04:54:59 pm I've only ever bought from MeeplePeople once, but they were pretty quick to ship my order and to answer my e-mail question.
Title: Re: buying followers Post by: elmendalerenda on December 27, 2009, 12:42:49 am Look what I found on the site cKorfmann mentioned:
http://www.spielmaterial.de/english/index.html?d_P0015_Carcassonne_Figures1992.htm Somebody think is possible to make the current expansions to fit one of those tables? Title: Re: buying followers Post by: Gwommy on December 27, 2009, 01:27:40 am Look what I found on the site cKorfmann mentioned: http://www.spielmaterial.de/english/index.html?d_P0015_Carcassonne_Figures1992.htm Somebody think is possible to make the current expansions to fit one of those tables? I'm confused...that's the same exact link that CKorfmann posted. Did you mean to post a different link? Title: Re: buying followers Post by: elmendalerenda on December 27, 2009, 10:27:30 am Its the same store, but the link he posted was for meeples, the one I posted is for getting tiles printed and cut by the store itself, the fix price its 45€ but if you order more than 10 tables prices gets pretty good. The problem I find is that the whole table has to have tiles, if not you lose spots and the cost is not worth.
Title: Re: buying followers Post by: Joff on December 27, 2009, 10:46:25 am If your copy is Rio Grande Games e-mail Jay. RGG customer support is excellent.
You'll find RGG Customer Service here: http://www.riograndegames.com/customer_service.html (http://www.riograndegames.com/customer_service.html) Title: Re: buying followers Post by: Gwommy on December 27, 2009, 11:31:38 am I'm impressed. I'm missing two pieces, so I sent a message and I already got a reply (within 2 hours). =)
Title: Re: buying followers Post by: elmendalerenda on December 27, 2009, 04:00:32 pm Hum, I realized that for some reason cant put the webaddress for the tiles, but check in www.spielmaterial.de/english and go to counters and see the last ones, customized counters/tiles.
If somebody is interested in buying some let me know, because I would like to get some of the lot of tiles expansion from Carccentral and think this can be a good way for getting them. Title: Re: buying followers Post by: Vulch on December 28, 2009, 12:11:23 pm I bought a complete set of pink meeples from http://www.meeplepeople.com/products.php?cat=44 (http://www.meeplepeople.com/products.php?cat=44) and found them very quick and easy to deal with.
Title: Re: WTB: followers Post by: Maciej on January 28, 2013, 04:17:48 pm just if someone else was looking for the same answer
HiG page: http://www.cundco.de/shop/?tx_dkdshop[category]=1&tx_dkdshop[product]=114&cHash=2ce4c7ad07946bf2fd2c8a87c3a29e54 - whole set inc. builder etc., different colors there is also possibility to bye some parts of the game if you lost it or their have been destroyed http://www.cundco.de/shop/?tx_dkdshop[category]=4&tx_dkdshop[product]=100&cHash=7cc67c36750f28dd149cd9d285da663d |