Title: All the possible tiles - preview, for comment Post by: notsewkram on December 05, 2009, 12:28:10 am OK, so having looked at all the wonderful expansions I got interested in making some of my own. Being a mathematician, my first question was "what are all the possible Carcassonne tiles, and which of them haven't been made yet?" I then made up a big table and went through all the official/unofficial expansions and checked off those that exist, and then went to work making the ones that don't. I quickly set down a few rules of thumb, like approximately when I am "allowed" to put a cloister, etc etc. And it isn't quite "all possible" as there are bazillions of variations depending on which road is connected to which city, etc etc, but that is only important if you are playing with the Wagon (from Abbey+Mayor, if I recall), and I don't like the wagon, so there you go. Some 140-odd tiles later, here we are....
So I thought I should post a preview here, seeing as I've never done this before, so people can comment on the quality and colour matching etc. Are they good enough? I won't be making physical tiles out of these myself, at least not for a while (don't have access to a good printer), so I'd be interested to hear how they come out when printed. (I guess someone can print them when I post the final full-resolution version). I'm not quite done, there is one final page that I somehow corrupted the file and I'm trying to rescue, with some more tiles. Also, I haven't watermarked them. Should I? Any other comments? Any that I've MISSED? (gack) Sparky PS Wait, I can only add four attachments. I'll post again with the other jpgs from the last five. PPS Oh I have to shrink the preview jpgs. Hm, I guess you won't be able to comment very well on the quality. PPPS Oh there is a file size limit to attachments. OK I'll post two at a time, then. Title: Re: All the possible tiles - preview, for comment Post by: notsewkram on December 05, 2009, 12:28:49 am # 3 and 4.
Title: Re: All the possible tiles - preview, for comment Post by: notsewkram on December 05, 2009, 12:29:22 am # 5 and 6.
Title: Re: All the possible tiles - preview, for comment Post by: notsewkram on December 05, 2009, 12:29:49 am # 7 and 8.
Title: Re: All the possible tiles - preview, for comment Post by: notsewkram on December 05, 2009, 12:31:14 am # 9 and I wish #10 but it is currently corrupt. Anyone know how to extract a layer from a GIMP (.xcf) file that GIMP refuses to open? xcftools can't open it either.
That's all for now! Title: Re: All the possible tiles - preview, for comment Post by: CKorfmann on December 05, 2009, 12:37:09 am Wow, this is cool. Great job. Merit point for you.
Title: Re: All the possible tiles - preview, for comment Post by: Whaleyland on December 05, 2009, 01:24:44 am Wow indeed. You completed my Vanilla project. Thank you! I know you didn't realize that you did, but it's done now. I guess I can delete my database. lol. Merit for you!
Title: Re: All the possible tiles - preview, for comment Post by: meepleater on December 05, 2009, 04:48:12 am Wow. I am definately making some of these (once I am able to access a colour printer).
Title: Re: All the possible tiles - preview, for comment Post by: gunpowdertea on December 05, 2009, 05:44:19 am # 9 and I wish #10 but it is currently corrupt. Anyone know how to extract a layer from a GIMP (.xcf) file that GIMP refuses to open? xcftools can't open it either. Very nice work mate. + 1 merit. Will print when you post the hi-res versions. As far as I know (not that familiar with gimp) you can't extract a layer if it won't open so your best shot is probably to use a hex editor, and depending on how much of the file, and where in the file it is corrupt you may be able to salvage at least part of it. Title: Re: All the possible tiles - preview, for comment Post by: loganmann1 on December 05, 2009, 11:27:40 am WOW! Just out of curiosity how long did all that take from epiphany to final product?
Title: Re: All the possible tiles - preview, for comment Post by: notsewkram on December 05, 2009, 12:17:09 pm Wow indeed. You completed my Vanilla project. Thank you! I know you didn't realize that you did, but it's done now. I guess I can delete my database. lol. Merit for you! Hey, Vanilla was one of the pages that I cut and pasted from, many thanks! If your database is in electronic form, I'd be mighty curious to see it to compare with mine (which is just pencil+paper). If you wouldn't mind, could you send it to me, at my userid at gmail? That would be awesome, thanks! As far as I know (not that familiar with gimp) you can't extract a layer if it won't open so your best shot is probably to use a hex editor, and depending on how much of the file, and where in the file it is corrupt you may be able to salvage at least part of it. I was afraid of that... I'll go fiddle with a hex editor. It doesn't look good though. There were only nine tiles on that page so perhaps I'll just make them again. And there are a few more I've thought of that I want to make. WOW! Just out of curiosity how long did all that take from epiphany to final product? Well from the epiphany I then spent some time discovering this site, BoardGameGeek, and others, and finding all the fan-made expansions I could and making a few test tiles. Then I starting working with the PDFs I could find (Vanilla, MathGuy89, MathGuyGamma, etc) since they all have the same resolution, sizing, etc, and piecing bits together. As to making the actual tiles, gosh, a few weeks of fiddling around for an hour or two a day, I think. It really depends on the tile, too - sometimes a tile is just a mirror image of another, sometimes it's just adding a road to another, and sometimes one tile takes an hour of fiddling - the trickier city ones come to mind. Once you get going and you have all the "pieces" it gets fast. And of course I got better as I went along, got used to GIMP, etc. mark Title: Re: All the possible tiles - preview, for comment Post by: Scott on December 05, 2009, 05:06:26 pm Good job man. We can use all the talent around here that we can get.