Title: Turn Overview Post by: Gwommy on November 30, 2009, 10:05:46 am I'm running a game of Mega-Carcassonne at a board game convention next weekend in Detroit. I'm trying to make a quick reference sheet using pictures to hopefully make it easy to view and scan and not forget anything. I'm using all of the official expansions(except Cathars and Tunnels). This is just for each turn, blue represents your meeples, while red represents opponents' meeples. No end of game scoring should be included. I want to know if I'm missing anything here and if everything is in an acceptable order. Thanks! (http://gwommy.tripod.com/carcassonne/MeepleHappyPurple.gif)
http://gwommy.tripod.com/carcassonne/TurnOverview.pdf (http://gwommy.tripod.com/carcassonne/TurnOverview.pdf) Title: Re: Turn Overview Post by: CKorfmann on November 30, 2009, 03:26:56 pm At first read, it looks good to me, though I am not familiar with the Wheel rules. You say you are not playing with Cathers, but I assume you are playing with Siege since I see the graphic in your turn summary, is that correct? Too bad you're not using Tunnels, it would be cool to hear about a "complete" mega-carc game. Do you plan on using any fan-mades? That would also be very cool to hear others impressions.
Title: Re: Turn Overview Post by: Gwommy on November 30, 2009, 06:29:50 pm Yes, I'm using Siege and Cult, even though I know Cathars is basically the same thing as Siege. And sorry, no tunnels either. I should have said all the official expansions minus the Spielbox expansions.
And considering this is my first time ever hosting a game at a convention, I figured I'd better keep it to the official expansions. Although, next time I'll definitely consider throwing in fan-based expansions and getting people's input. That sounds like fun. ===EDIT=== The above file has been updated with additional information about the meeples, tokens, and features on land tiles. Can be printed on front and back of 1 page: http://gwommy.tripod.com/carcassonne/TurnOverview.pdf (http://gwommy.tripod.com/carcassonne/TurnOverview.pdf) Title: Re: Turn Overview Post by: CKorfmann on November 30, 2009, 09:28:17 pm Since you've spelled out the scoring on the new sections for tiles and meeples, it might be appropriate to note that you still get one point per tile and per pennant for cities that are incomplete.
Title: Re: Turn Overview Post by: Gwommy on December 01, 2009, 03:48:02 pm Updated! Thanks! Is there anything else before I print out some final copies?