Title: Sporcle Quiz Post by: Whaleyland on November 02, 2009, 03:16:00 am Not that anyone here will bomb it or anything, but I just made a new quiz on Sporcle about the Carcassonne expansions (http://www.sporcle.com/games/Whaleyland/carcassonne_expansions). Let's see how many official expansions you can name...hehehe
Title: Re: Sporcle Quiz Post by: meepleater on November 02, 2009, 03:27:56 am Got all 18 with 2:28 left.
Title: Re: Sporcle Quiz Post by: Novelty on November 02, 2009, 03:51:13 am You were better than me m-e. I got all 18 with less than a minute to go. I forgot king & scout until like the last minute. Doh!
Title: Re: Sporcle Quiz Post by: Whaleyland on November 02, 2009, 03:52:01 am lol. Looks like I picked the correct number of minutes, then...at least for Novelty. ;D
Title: Re: Sporcle Quiz Post by: Joff on November 02, 2009, 01:22:43 pm Not that anyone here will bomb it or anything, Wrong! I did. Ran out of time with 5 remaining to find: 2006 Games Quarterly ------ I was typing 'mini expansion' 2008 Cult, Siege & Creativity ----- missed this as I had already found 'The Cult' 2008 Count, King & Cult ----- Missed this as I had already found 'The Count' 2009 The Wheel of Fortune ----- Was typing 'Wheel of Fate' Title: Re: Sporcle Quiz Post by: Tobias on November 02, 2009, 02:22:32 pm 2008 Count, King & Cult ----- Missed this as I had already found 'The Count' Not to mention that this is not an expansion but a compilation! I was also typing "Wheel of fate" by the way ;) Title: Re: Sporcle Quiz Post by: Whaleyland on November 02, 2009, 03:54:35 pm 2008 Count, King & Cult ----- Missed this as I had already found 'The Count' Not to mention that this is not an expansion but a compilation! I was also typing "Wheel of fate" by the way ;) I wanted Count, King and Cult to be a bonus answer, but that's not an option. It was the original source for The Cult and in Germany it is considered an expansion in itself. But yes, I did make it a bit more difficult. Oh Joff, mini expansion is an option for that, so I'm not sure what went wrong. Sorry! Title: Re: Sporcle Quiz Post by: Novelty on November 02, 2009, 06:13:36 pm Do you think you can make one with all the other spin-offs and compilations? That would be fun!
Title: Re: Sporcle Quiz Post by: Whaleyland on November 02, 2009, 07:56:28 pm No problem. I can spit out most of these things in 10 minutes or less. Heck, it takes me longer to take the tests than play them! Here's a link (http://www.sporcle.com/games/Whaleyland/carcassonne_games) to what you requested. I decided not to put compilations in the mix, since they are not stand-alones like the spin-offs. If they ever add the option to do have bonus/extra answers, i will certainly put compilations there (and move some from my primary quiz). Enjoy!
Title: Re: Sporcle Quiz Post by: Novelty on November 02, 2009, 07:58:07 pm LOL, not really what I was after, but that was also fun to do!
Title: Re: Sporcle Quiz Post by: Whaleyland on November 02, 2009, 08:00:21 pm LOL, not really what I was after, but that was also fun to do! Guess I got confused. What were you looking for? Title: Re: Sporcle Quiz Post by: Novelty on November 02, 2009, 08:32:17 pm I was looking for a page with multiple categories - one for the main Carc and its expansions, one for spin-offs and one for compilations.
BTW, you missed the Scout (K&S) expansion on the spin-offs page. Title: Re: Sporcle Quiz Post by: Whaleyland on November 02, 2009, 08:48:04 pm I was looking for a page with multiple categories - one for the main Carc and its expansions, one for spin-offs and one for compilations. BTW, you missed the Scout (K&S) expansion on the spin-offs page. Ah, so everything in one big quiz. Unfortunately, I don't think I can do that yet on Sporcle. Those kinds of quizzes are still restricted to the people in charge of the site. They only let us plebeians do simple, three-column quizzes. i don't think we can even do separate sections, but I will see how flexible it is. If I find a way, I will do it. Oh, and I'll add the Scout expansion at once. Title: Re: Sporcle Quiz Post by: meepleater on November 02, 2009, 11:24:24 pm Got all of them except travel carcassonne...
Title: Re: Sporcle Quiz Post by: Joff on November 03, 2009, 11:25:57 am Got all of them except travel carcassonne... I did much better on that one... got them all except King and Scout Title: Re: Sporcle Quiz Post by: Scott on November 03, 2009, 07:52:49 pm Got 13/18 on the first one without cheating, and 15/18 after I looked at my shelf, and finally got the rest with 1:39 to spare after I discovered that the compilations were being counted too.
Got 9/11 on the second quiz; missed Travel Carcassonne and King & Scout which IMHO is not really a spin-off so I should have got 9/10. |