Title: Gold Rush (Mountains) Post by: Novelty on October 21, 2009, 08:16:17 am Just thought I'd give a heads up to fans of Mountains and Gold Mines and Trade goods. This expansion will be a mash-up of all of these (and the shrines and cloister wills see a reprise as well!)
The expansion will include 12 tiles total and: Gold Mines on mountains - works the same as the gold mines expansion. Coal Trade goods - 5 coal trade goods to collect, but takes meeples to work on it! Ore icons! Some sample images: (http://www.dukenostalgia.com/carc/images/mountaingold.jpg) (http://www.dukenostalgia.com/carc/images/mountain_ore.jpg) (http://www.dukenostalgia.com/carc/images/tilesheet.jpg) I'll get the rules up later. Title: Re: Gold Rush (Mountains) Post by: elmendalerenda on October 21, 2009, 10:07:06 am Seems really cool.
Waiting for the rules :) Title: Re: Gold Rush (Mountains) Post by: CKorfmann on October 21, 2009, 01:48:59 pm Very high quality tiles in my opinion Novelty. Very nice! Kudos... {up
Title: Re: Gold Rush (Mountains) Post by: Novelty on October 22, 2009, 12:13:37 pm And the rules (http://www.dukenostalgia.com/carc/expansions/goldrushrules01.pdf) are ready! I hope I haven't made any stupid mistakes in there :o
Title: Re: Gold Rush (Mountains) Post by: elmendalerenda on October 22, 2009, 12:36:00 pm seems fine to me, but English is not my mother languaje ;)
Title: Re: Gold Rush (Mountains) Post by: Gwommy on October 22, 2009, 01:51:14 pm I wish I could find my own mistakes as easily I can find other people's mistakes...(http://gwommy.homestead.com/files/PurpleSmileGrumble.gif) Although I only found a few minors things:
So here goes: Under 'Place a Tile', "The tiles are place in accordance to the rules..." "Place" should be "placed" Under 'Deploy a Follower', "After a tile with a coal trade good icon is played, and the scoring done..." The comma can be omitted. What about the coal trade counters? Shouldn't that be listed in the extra pieces section? Title: Re: Gold Rush (Mountains) Post by: Novelty on October 22, 2009, 09:24:43 pm Thanks. It's updated in my personal copy. I wait until the weekend to post up the new version. And yes, it's easier to spot other people's mistakes than to find them when you write them. It's a weird law of the universe.
Title: Re: Gold Rush (Mountains) Post by: djdahmer on December 11, 2009, 02:25:02 am I could only find one wee mistake:
Under 'Place a Tile', "Also, if a player draws a tile with a ore icon after playing a tile ..." (the last sentence of the last paragraph) "a ore icon" should be "an ore icon" Title: Re: Gold Rush (Mountains) Post by: Novelty on May 25, 2010, 06:58:58 am Thanks djdahmer. Typo corrected, and expansion uploaded to the downloads page, although it may take a while to show :)
Title: Re: Gold Rush (Mountains) Post by: morris on March 15, 2011, 01:50:06 am I have one question regarding scoring completed mountains in Goldrush. The section 3 reads:
Quote (...) Now, what happens when the player that completes the mountains also has his coalminers on the completed mountains? Can he have both 3 points per coalminer AND one trade counter per coalminer? Because what happens here:Each player with a coalminer on the completed mountain range receives a coal trade counter for each coalminer on the completed range. However, a player may choose to sell the mined coal and receive an additional 3 points for each coalminer instead of obtaining the coal trade counter. If a player chooses to do this, then the player that completes the mountain range receives the coal trade counter instead. (...) 1. I have 2 coalminers on the mountains 2. I lay a tile that completes the mountains 3. I can receive a trade token for each of my coalminers 4. I choose to get 3 points per miner instead 5. The trade tokens go to the player that completes the mountains (that's me) Is that right? |