Title: My biggest game of Carc yet... Post by: JPutt927 on August 21, 2009, 10:24:23 am In the recent months, I have played a few large games of Carcassonne. Usually, this consisted of every official expansion, along with a few of my own expansions. As of Wednesday, I finally played my largest game yet. The game included...
Official Expansions Inns and Cathedrals Traders and Builders Princess and Dragon Abbey and Mayor The Tower The Catapult The River, I and II The Count of Carcassonne Cult and Siege King and Scout Fan-made Expansions Mountains High Places Dragon's Lair The Orders of Chivalry Wells Gold Mines Market Commons Roman Road and Temple The King's Gate Mills and Bakeries The Lake Chariot Racing Wizards and Witches New Discoveries Fortune Teller Seasons By Order of the King From our experience with games in the past, we knew that breaks needed to be taken! When all was said and done, it probably lasted about 7 hours! The game started with 3 players...but unfortunately, 1 of us had to leave midway through, leaving the 2 of us to improvise. It really didn't seem to affect things too much...considering the game was so large. As you'll notice, we decided to play with 2 Abbeys each, since it was such a large game. Also, you'll notice the new world in the last picture. It really didn't have much of an impact as it ended up being one of the last tiles drawn! I ended up winning in the end...with an approximate score of about 500, to the other player's 450. I really enjoyed it. Here's some pictures I took as the game continued to grow. The last picture is after the final tile had been placed. (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/P8190001.jpg) (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/P8190002.jpg) (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/P8190004.jpg) (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/P8190009.jpg) (http://i772.photobucket.com/albums/yy5/jputt927/P8190008.jpg) Title: Re: My biggest game of Carc yet... Post by: Gantry on August 21, 2009, 11:19:26 am wow! merit pt for posting that, too bad the 3rd person couldn't stay
Title: Re: My biggest game of Carc yet... Post by: skipboris on August 21, 2009, 01:50:13 pm Now you just need to play one with Forests and the Ocean...and about a month to play it!
Title: Re: My biggest game of Carc yet... Post by: Novelty on August 21, 2009, 01:56:14 pm I like the look of the mountain tiles in the image. 7 hours for a game... it sounds crazy. Did you wish you had more abbey tiles per player to plug up those "hole"?
Title: Re: My biggest game of Carc yet... Post by: CKorfmann on August 21, 2009, 06:29:00 pm I would love to play in that game! Sounds like you could have used the Ghettos. I'd be really interested to know how many tiles that is. I suppose I could count the sets myself...
Title: Re: My biggest game of Carc yet... Post by: The Missionary on August 22, 2009, 10:15:38 am I don't quite understand what the appeal to MegaCarc is. The longer the game lasts, the less exciting it seems to be for me. After several hours, it feels kind of like math homework. I think it would be much more fun to combine the rules of several different expansions without including every single tile that comes with it. I don't know if that's possible, but I think I'll try, if my husband will consent to the abomination. ;-)
Title: Re: My biggest game of Carc yet... Post by: JPutt927 on August 22, 2009, 10:29:14 am Well, in my opinion, with a few breaks...large games can be extremely enjoyable. However, I feel that I need to play with a lot of expansions in order to make it enjoyable. There needs to be MANY different ways to score points. To the point where you can't do everything you want, and it becomes a strategic balancing act of figuring out where the best places are to invest your followers and attention. A game of mega-carc that simply consisted of multiple base games...I believe I would find that to be quite monotonous indeed. With so many expansions involved, there always seems to be the chance of a new component being introduced upon the drawing of every tile. This, on the other hand...looks like it would be complete and utter torture to me... http://www.boardgamegeek.com/image/69570