Carcassonne Central

Carc Central Community => Rules => Topic started by: Bubbasco on August 21, 2009, 01:58:25 am

Title: Another Princess Question
Post by: Bubbasco on August 21, 2009, 01:58:25 am
Hi, I looked through the old posts, and couldn't decide if this was already answered or not. Perhaps it should be obvious from the instructions, but I can't decide what is correct....

If you place the princess tile in such a way that it completes a city with one knight occupying that city (an opponents knight), is the knight removed before the city is scored? In that case the city would not give any points if the knight was removed.      Or is the city immediately completed and scored, therefore awarding points to the player with the occupying knight?

Did that make any sense?

Title: Re: Another Princess Question
Post by: meepleater on August 21, 2009, 02:22:07 am
It is removed berfore the city is scored, I believe...

1. Buy back prisoner, gain 1 point for fairy
2. Draw and place a tile
3. Place a follower, special figure, tower block, fairy, remove a follower
4. Place follower into Carcassonne, move dragon
5. Score
6. Receive scored followers

Repeat 2-6 if builder triggers extra turn...

Title: Re: Another Princess Question
Post by: Joff on August 21, 2009, 10:16:54 am
That is the idea of the Princess. She is able to seduce an occupying Knight away from the city, making the Knight unable to score. Thus, the Knight is removed before scoring takes place.

Title: Re: Another Princess Question
Post by: Bubbasco on August 21, 2009, 02:18:39 pm
Thanks for the clarification. The guy I was playing with wasn't too happy about it since I negated his 42 point city using this method... which he disputed.

Title: Re: Another Princess Question
Post by: The Missionary on August 22, 2009, 04:34:35 am
That is the idea of the Princess. She is able to seduce an occupying Knight away from the city, making the Knight unable to score.

Is it very juvenile of me to find that sentence amusing? Maybe lack of sleep is affecting my humour.

Title: Re: Another Princess Question
Post by: Whaleyland on August 22, 2009, 05:16:00 am
That is the idea of the Princess. She is able to seduce an occupying Knight away from the city, making the Knight unable to score.

Is it very juvenile of me to find that sentence amusing? Maybe lack of sleep is affecting my humour.

Perhaps, but I just re-watched Shrek 2 so I find it amusing too. You can always think of the Princess as a damsel-in-distress, rather than a seductress. Either way, the Knight is distracted away from his duties. Stupid damsels...always getting all in distress...and why don't the "protective" dragons eat the damsels?! I mean, do they really get filled up on the sheer number of Knights coming to rescue the damsel?

Title: Re: Another Princess Question
Post by: Tobias on August 22, 2009, 05:40:45 am
That is the idea of the Princess. She is able to seduce an occupying Knight away from the city, making the Knight unable to score.

Is it very juvenile of me to find that sentence amusing? Maybe lack of sleep is affecting my humour.

No it is not.  :a4