Carcassonne Central

The Archives => Completed Expansions => Topic started by: Novelty on August 01, 2009, 03:21:31 am

Title: Collaborative Expansion of the Month for September 2009
Post by: Novelty on August 01, 2009, 03:21:31 am
Do we want to have one for next month?

Each month , as a group, we will concentrate our focus on developing one of the "archived" expansions to get it to "completed".  Archived expansions are those where ideas have been proposed, but little or no work has been done to get it to "completed" (i.e. Public Downloads status.  I propose that as a team/group, we work through the issues and come to consensus about the final idea and then someone or someones (volunteers, hopefully) will create the tiles and the rules to get it ready for download.

Also, during each month, we will also vote on the next expansion that we would like to concentrate on the following month.  The options for September 2009 (voting in August 2009) are:

( The Constable ( - idea by kissybooboo (1 vote previously)
( Meeple Upgrades ( - idea by kjamma4
( Foreign Trader ( - idea by Lakoda
( The "King" ( and Citadel Meeple ( - idea by Joff
( The Apprentice ( - idea by Jabberwocky
( Icons ( - idea by Deatheux
( ( - idea by Jabberwocky
( Four Horsemen of the Acopolypse ( - idea by PinkPaiseley
( Here Be Dragons ( - idea by Jabberwocky

Remember, only vote if you are going to contribute (i.e. post your ideas/suggestions) next month.  To those named above - if you would like your expansion to be removed from the list, please let me know.  Vote by posting below, and please state what you'd be willing to contribute.  Thanks.  You may also change your vote if you wish, before the end of June.

Title: Re: Collaborative Expansion of the Month for September 2009
Post by: meepleater on August 01, 2009, 07:05:31 am
I go for foreign traders.

Title: Re: Collaborative Expansion of the Month for September 2009
Post by: CKorfmann on August 01, 2009, 10:59:30 am
Perhaps we might need to wait and see which expansion wins as the CarcCentral expansion.  If there are a flurry of votes, I suppose there's still a chance we might be making one.

Title: Re: Collaborative Expansion of the Month for September 2009
Post by: wellidesigns on August 03, 2009, 10:02:17 am
I vote for foreign traders

Title: Re: Collaborative Expansion of the Month for September 2009
Post by: Novelty on August 20, 2009, 11:31:30 am
I'm going to guess at least 2 people want one for September (although I have no idea why since August isn't even going ahead yet).  Any more votes?  (I'll add the new ones - There goes the neighbourhood, and maybe moated city if Whaley wants it on the list - to October's list next month)

Votes so far:
Foreign Trader: 2

Edit: Foreign Traders it is!  Watch the forums for more news!