Title: Huzzah, Knucklebones! Fie on GQ! Post by: witoflash on May 05, 2007, 10:45:06 am Alas, GQ is gone and Spielbox is not willing to let another publication have the Cathars, :'( BUT... for those of us who shelled out money for subscriptions to GQ, Knucklebones magazine will extend your subscription to them based on your GQ subscriptions.
Email brandand@jonespublishing.com with your name, address, and phone number with GAMES QUARTERLY in the subject line for confirmation. This is not a hoax....just read it on boardgamegeek and did it...hope this helps some of you, but no Cathars. Title: Re: Huzzah, Knucklebones! Fie on GQ! Post by: Gantry on May 05, 2007, 12:58:33 pm I'd heard that, but didn't know the email address, thanks for posting this wito!