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Carc Central Community => General => Topic started by: Novelty on July 11, 2009, 11:20:25 pm

Title: Big Box X: Worst Expansions edition
Post by: Novelty on July 11, 2009, 11:20:25 pm
I probably will have to edit my own for Catapult, because that will NEVER be included in any Big Box, unless they make a Big Box X: Worst Expansions edition.  ;)

What will be in this expansion?  My Guess:

Base (definately required)
I&C (6th set of meeple)
Count, King & Cult

You know what, I would still buy that, if only for more tiles for customising, and for the Cathars :)

Title: Re: Big Box X: Worst Expansions edition
Post by: Whaleyland on July 12, 2009, 02:25:58 am
I'd like to think a bit more negatively on this one. Novelty is SO practical:

Wheel of Fate, as the base game (I can already tell some people are iffy about this expansionish contraption)
NO Inns & Cathedrals (because not including it will only make things more complicated)
NO River I (because it is already getting harder to find, this expansion shouldn't make it any easier)
The Princess & the Dragon (does anyone even remember the Princess rules or use the fairy?)
The Tower (it's soo aggressive, it's not even often fun! Capture 'em meeps!)
Count, King & Cult (but no rules, because then the expansions are more chaotic and disorganized than they already are)
The Cathars (both to undermine RGG's attempt at making an oh-so-not-as-impressive version and to undercut the price collectors have paid for years)
The Catapult (need we say more?)

Title: Re: Big Box X: Worst Expansions edition
Post by: Vulch on July 12, 2009, 04:21:05 am
Just get one REALLY BIG box, fill it with all the catapult expansions in the world, then catapult the whole lot into the middle of the Atlantic!

Job done.   ;D

Title: Re: Big Box X: Worst Expansions edition
Post by: Scott on July 12, 2009, 09:39:19 am
I gotta agree with Derek's list. I&C is way too good to be included in the worst expansions.